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China regional cloud image data (figure)

Nationwide, 24 maps a day. The satellite cloud image can monitor the water vapor flow in the atmosphere and the process of development and change. The solar azimuth and solar altitude are mainly aimed at industries with demand for sunlight. For example, how to install the regional solar panel to maximize the access to light, and the intelligent solar panel can adjust its own orientation and angle in time following the satellite feedback data to achieve optimal efficiency. In addition, the solar altitude angle and azimuth angle have a greater impact on the lighting of houses or sheds, which should be fully considered when building. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.
consultation: 010-68408994
Domestic( one Station)
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Service provider

Beijing Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd

Contact customer service: 010-68408994

Online time: 8:30 - 17:00


Recommended data

instructions Detailed introduction Error reference code


China regional cloud image data (figure)

Interface example

Request mode



name type Required Sample value describe
area String yes one hundred and one China
type String yes one thousand nine hundred and two Cloud Chart No
date String yes twenty million one hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and twenty-seven Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
key String yes 4fd2b83869c38eff532dc9d9ccf3c960 Order Key

data format


{'date': '20190327', 'pictype': '1903', 'content': [{ 'picurl': ' Key ', 'time': '20190326233000000' }, { 'picurl': ' Key ', 'time': '20190326233600000' }] }

Detailed introduction

Nationwide, 24 maps a day. The satellite cloud image can monitor the water vapor flow in the atmosphere and the process of development and change. The solar azimuth and solar altitude are mainly aimed at industries with demand for sunlight. For example, how to install the regional solar panel to maximize the access to light, and the intelligent solar panel can adjust its own orientation and angle in time following the satellite feedback data to achieve optimal efficiency. In addition, the solar altitude angle and azimuth angle have a greater impact on the lighting of houses or sheds, which should be fully considered when building. Data source: jointly release the self-developed data with the public meteorological service center.

Error code interpretation
CC1001 The interface needs to be paid, please recharge
CC1002 No corresponding data information exists
CC1101 Error in appKey query
CC1102 The appKey key is missing
CC1004 Access times exceeded
CC1000 Exception in calling the service provider interface, please contact the administrator
