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wisdom The smart meteorological service cloud platform is a new generation of meteorological service application innovation support platform for the development of smart meteorological services, the layout of the meteorological service ecosystem, and the implementation of the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, open, and sharing". The platform provides meteorological service related data, products, systems, service models or incubation services for entrepreneurial teams for settled users, including cloud resources, data resources, platform deployment, process transformation, service operation promotion and other resource support work.

Excellent institutions and works are welcome to enter the platform to jointly create intelligent, accurate and refined meteorological services for the crowd and professional users.

Why choose the meteorological big data platform?

  • Provide free meteorological data resource support for settled products or teams.

  • Deployment and operation environment support of settled products, and relevant technical support.

  • Provide solutions, technical support and implementation assistance for architecture and process transformation of settled products.

  • Provide national promotion, operation and sales resources for settled products through cloud platform and China Weather Network.

  • Provide publicity and display on the smart cloud platform and China Weather Network.

  • Provide unified functional support related to online service revenue payment.

How to cooperate?

Welcome excellent teams and works to the platform

We have been waiting for you

Tel: 010-58993754
