World Meteorological Day 2024

2022-06-09 18:04:04 Thunder season is coming! Lightning strikes are most likely to occur in these places. Please keep the lightning protection manual for different people

Lightning strikes across the sky with thunder, shocking people, but the power of lightning is far more than that. Lightning strikes can damage power systems, communication equipment, cause forest fires, and even cause casualties. Lightning disaster has been listed as one of the ten most serious natural disasters in the world by the United Nations.

2022-08-19 10:55:48 A picture of 17 deaths caused by floods and mudslides in Datong Mountain, Qinghai

Where is debris flow most likely to occur in China? What are the three major factors inducing debris flow? How to deal with debris flow? China Weather launched a long science popularization map of debris flow to master the most comprehensive defense methods.

2022-09-20 11:24:29 Weather drought warning has been issued for 33 days! A Guide to Understanding Drought Defense in the Map of Jiangxi and Hunan Persistent Special Drought

In China, drought is the most common natural disaster that has the greatest impact on agricultural production. Why do droughts occur frequently in China? Where is drought prone? How to defend and respond? All you want to know about drought is here.

2022-11-04 10:52:57 A picture of widespread frost in central and northern North China GET defense guide to deal with autumn and winter crop "killers"

Frost is a common agrometeorological disaster in autumn and winter, which can lead to crop frostbite and even death. Is frost the same as frost? Which areas are often affected by frost? How should we prevent scientifically?

2022-11-30 17:22:13 Cold wave continues to affect! More than ten provinces have issued a road icing warning map to understand how to deal with road icing

In cold winter, when there is a cold wave or a large range of strong cold air activities, such as rain and snow weather, road icing often occurs on the road. What is road icing? How to read road icing warning? How to prevent road icing?

2023-03-12 15:02:50 The local gust of cold wave is over level 10! I. Mastering the most complete "risk" prevention guide

Where is the gale most frequent in China? What season is the strongest wind? How to prevent and avoid "risk"?

2023-06-24 11:27:11 be vigilant! A picture showing how to judge and prevent the heat stroke disease in the north or until the end of the month

In the near future, the high-temperature process in northern China has been "super long standby", which may last until the end of this month. In the continuous hot weather, the risk of "high temperature disease" is also increasing. As a killer of high temperature, what kind of disease is heat stroke? How to judge and prevent? China Weather launched a long science map to show you about heat stroke.

2023-11-06 11:05:00 The snowstorm has come! The picture of entering the strongest snowfall period in Northeast China shows where snowstorms occur frequently in China

As one of the common natural disasters in winter in China, snowstorms often lead to disorientation of people and animals, inundation of grasslands, and casualties of livestock. Which places are the areas with high incidence of snowstorms in China? How to avoid danger and save yourself when encountering a snowstorm?

2023-05-09 08:00:00 Science Popularization of Disaster Prevention and Reduction Series: Figure 1 GET Guide to Severe Convection and Risk Avoidance Can Save Life at Critical Moments

Severe convection weather is the most difficult type of weather to forecast. It comes quickly, changes quickly, and has great destructive power. Next, the characteristics and defense methods of severe convective weather are solved through a diagram.

2022-05-10 08:00:00 Science Popularization of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Series: Things You Must Know About Typhoons

China is one of the countries most seriously affected by typhoons in the world. Nearly 50% of tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific will affect China. You must know these things about typhoon.

2022-05-11 08:00:01 A series of popular science for disaster prevention and mitigation: a picture to understand the regularity of hail occurrence

From May to September every year is the high incidence period of hail in China. Is there any rule for hailstones, who come and go hurriedly and are extremely destructive? Where is the mysterious place where hail prefers?

2022-05-12 08:15:20 Science Popularization of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Series: Keep this Rainstorm Risk Avoidance Manual and Save Your Life at Critical Moments

From late spring to midsummer, heavy rain frequently occurs in China due to the East Asian monsoon. How is the rainstorm formed? How to prevent various disasters caused by it? Please keep this storm prevention guide.

2022-05-13 08:00:00 Science Popularization of Disaster Prevention and Reduction Series: Hot Death in Summer GET

As a kind of disastrous weather, high temperature heat wave is often ignored. In fact, its death toll in the world is far higher than tornadoes, floods, strong storms and other disasters. Master the following points to spend summer easily without fear of high temperature.

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