Typhoon "Muen" landed in Hele Town, Wanning City, Hainan Province, the first typhoon landing in China this year

The fourth typhoon of this year, "Muen", has landed on the coast of Hele Town, Wanning City, Hainan Province at around 00:45am today (the 3rd day), becoming the first typhoon to land in China this year. Under its influence, Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian and other parts of the region will have strong wind and rain, local heavy rain. At the same time, China's typhoon season has officially started.

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2019-07-05 10:05 The Residual Cloud System of Typhoon "Muen" Rages Yunnan Lancang Local Heavy Rain Causes Serious Waterlogging

Affected by the residual cloud system of typhoon "Muen", there was heavy rain in Lancang County of Yunnan Province on the night of July 4, local heavy rain. The urban area of Lancang County and its surrounding areas are seriously waterlogged, affecting the travel of citizens.

2019-07-04 17:55 The numbering of tropical depression "Muen" stopped at 17:00 on the 4th

At 8:00 this morning (the 4th day), "Muen" weakened into a tropical depression in Taiping Province, Vietnam. At present, its intensity is further weakened, and it is difficult to determine its circulation center. At 17:00, it was stopped numbering.

2019-07-03 20:39 The cloud system around the typhoon covered the Weizhou Island, along the coast of Guangxi

In the afternoon of March 3, under the influence of the cloud system around the typhoon "Muen", the sky over Weizhou Island, Guangxi, was gradually shrouded in dark clouds, accompanied by showers, and occasionally there was sunshine shining through the clouds, which was quite spectacular.

2019-07-03 19:12 Affected by Typhoon "Muen", several routes in Beihai, Guangxi were suspended

Affected by typhoon "Muen", the route from Beihai to Weizhou Island and the route from South China Sea have been suspended. The ticket office at the wharf has changed from the noisy scene in the past, and the ticket gate has also been closed.

2019-07-03 18:37 Heavy rainfall brought by "Muen" in Chutai

The No. 4 typhoon "Muen" has landed on the coast of Hele Town, Wanning City, Hainan Province at around 0:45 on the 3rd. It is estimated that due to the impact of "Muen", heavy rain or rainstorm will occur in the central and western parts of Hainan Island, the central and southern parts of Guangxi, the southern and northern parts of Guangdong, the eastern part of Yunnan and other places from the 3rd to the 4th. Local heavy rain is expected; In addition, in the next two days, the hot weather in the central and southern parts of North China, the Huang Huai River, the eastern Xinjiang and the southern Xinjiang Basin will continue. China Weather Studio is a question and answer webcast program launched by China Weather Network, which aims to provide "point-to-point" weather service for netizens. What you want to know is what I care about. At 17:30 from Monday to Friday, the weather analyst is waiting for you online!

2019-07-03 17:56 Typhoon blue warning: the wind and rain in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places have a greater impact

It is expected that the "Muen" center will move to the northwest at the speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity, gradually moving towards the northern coast of Vietnam, and may land on the coast of this area in the daytime tomorrow.

2019-07-03 10:54 Shock? be quiet? No effect? All wrong—— Interpretation of hollow typhoon "Mu En"

The first typhoon "Muen" that landed in China this year did not seem to shock the beginning. On the contrary, it was a bit "too quiet" due to the weak wind and rain in Hainan when landing. Many netizens said that "the wind and rain in Hainan is not as heavy as before landing", and all this is because "Muen" is a typical "hollow typhoon".

2019-07-03 10:52 How can ships escape from typhoon at sea

Typhoon prevention can be divided into three stages. The first stage is at sea. The moving speed of typhoon is about 5-30 km/h, which exceeds the speed of ships. How can ships avoid danger if encountering typhoon? Experts give you an explanation.

2019-07-03 10:10 The big data of 70 years tell you where the first typhoon preferred?

The center of this year's No. 4 typhoon "Muen" landed on the coast of Hele Town, Wanning City, Hainan Province around 0:45 a.m. on the 3rd, with the maximum wind force near the center of 8. So, is the typhoon landing time late at the beginning of this year, and how does the landing intensity compare with that of other years? China Weather Network has dug into the big data of 1949-2018 to tell you the answer.

2019-07-03 10:02 The most important 24 hours for typhoon prevention

When a typhoon comes, it should be prevented in a scientific way. Experts tell you how to understand the typhoon warning and how to prevent it step by step according to the issued typhoon warning and its own position

2019-07-03 09:48 Three stages of typhoon prevention

Typhoon is one of the most serious meteorological disasters, with large energy and wide range of influence, so the prevention of typhoon is also very complex. Experts analyze that the prevention of typhoon can be divided into several stages, and precautions for typhoon prevention in different industries.

2019-07-02 16:38 "Quasi Typhoon" Affects the Coastal Storm in South China

Affected by the cloud system around the tropical depression in the South China Sea, the rain in Hainan, Guangdong and other places has increased significantly during the day. It is estimated that in the next 12 hours, the low pressure will develop into the fourth typhoon of this year. From the early morning of the 3rd to the morning, Hainan will land, and the Central Meteorological Station will issue a typhoon blue warning. (Video source: Huang Yi/Huang Shanshan/Xin Rui/Xia Xiaoniu)

2019-07-02 16:01 Guangdong Leizhou "Taifengyun" coping maintenance meteorological station confronts the tropical depression

In the afternoon of July 2, affected by the circulation around the tropical depression in the South China Sea, "typhoon clouds" appeared in Leizhou, Zhanjiang, with 6-7 instantaneous gusts and local thunderstorms. Leizhou Meteorological Bureau sent technicians to inspect and maintain the monitoring equipment of regional automatic stations and key ports in a timely manner, providing a strong guarantee for the normal collection and transmission of tropical low-pressure monitoring data.

2019-07-02 13:11 Hainan's "Quasi Typhoon" Is Powerful, South China Will Meet the First Typhoon Storm This Year

Hainan quasi typhoon is powerful! South China will welcome the first typhoon this year. At present, there are heavy rains in Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi and other places. (Video source: Hainan netizen Huang Yefen)

2019-07-02 10:59 Hainan Province Releases Blue Typhoon Warning With Strong Coastal Wind

Hainan Meteorological Bureau continued to issue the typhoon blue warning at 07:10 on July 2, 2019.

2019-07-02 10:57 Qiongzhou Strait route will be suspended from 12:00 on July 2

The reporter learned from Haikou New Port that due to the tropical depression affecting the safe navigation of ships, the routes of Haikou Xiuying Port and New Port Qiongzhou Strait were suspended from 12:00 on the 2nd. Drivers and passengers are requested to keep track of their departure time so as not to delay the journey.

2019-07-02 10:42 Tropical depression affects Hainan, and heavy rain will come today and tomorrow

The tropical depression in the South China Sea was formed at 20:00 yesterday (1st day) on the northern part of the South China Sea. It is expected that the low-pressure center may develop into the No. 4 typhoon (tropical storm) of this year in the next 24 hours, and will land on the eastern coast of Hainan Island from the night of the 2nd to the early morning of the 3rd. As a result, strong wind and rain will occur on the land and offshore of Hainan Island.

2019-07-02 10:31 Top 5 typhoon intensity landing in Hainan

Hainan, as the southernmost province in China, is one of the provinces with the longest impact of typhoons. From April to November, there were typhoons landing. What are the strongest typhoons landing in Hainan?

2019-07-02 10:27 The tropical depression in the South China Sea is close to Wanning, Hainan, and there is a heavy rainstorm in Hainan and Guangdong

The center of the South China Sea tropical depression is located on the sea surface about 310 kilometers east of Wanning City, Hainan Province at 8 o'clock this morning (the 2nd day), which is 18.4 degrees north latitude and 113.3 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is magnitude 7 (15 meters/second), and the minimum pressure in the center is 995 hPa.

2019-07-02 10:11 Countdown to the landing of "quasi typhoon" in the South China Sea

At present, the tropical disturbance in the South China Sea has been strengthened into a tropical depression. How will the tropical depression develop in the future? Will it develop into the fourth typhoon "Muen" this year? What areas will be affected by wind and rain in the future? This reporter specially interviewed Hu Xiao, the chief weather analyst of China Weather Network.

2019-07-02 09:58 Level IV emergency response for flood and wind control against tropical depression in Hainan

According to the relevant provisions of the Emergency Plan for Flood Control, Wind Control and Drought Prevention in Hainan Province, the Provincial General Headquarters for Three Preventions decided to start the Level IV emergency response for flood control and wind control from 22:00 on July 1.

2019-07-02 09:55 Which parts of China do typhoons prefer?

From 1949 to 2016, the total number of typhoons landing in China reached 606, of which more than 40% were above typhoon level. Do you know where typhoons prefer to land in our country?

2019-07-02 08:36 Typhoon, one of the sources of heavy rain in South China

After the flood season in many places in the south, heavy rain frequently occurs, and one of the sources of heavy rain is typhoon!

2019-07-02 07:59 The tropical depression in the South China Sea is close to the western part of Guangdong. Farewell to the hot weather and heavy rainfall

Yesterday (the 1st day), Guangdong continued to have hot weather. Although thunderstorms appeared from time to time, it was still hard to resist the appearance of high temperature. It is expected that in the next three days, under the influence of the tropical depression in the South China Sea, there will be obvious stormy weather in western Guangdong.

2019-07-01 12:00 Longest typhoon life history top5

The average life cycle of a typhoon is about 7 days from generation to extinction. Of course, some typhoons disappear after only 2-3 days of activity, but some typhoons survive for as long as 20 days. Today, I tell you that since 1949, in the northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, among all the typhoons given numbers, there are five typhoons with the longest life history.

2019-07-01 11:49 Typhoon classification

Typhoon is a tropical cyclone generated on the tropical ocean, and its intensity is divided by the maximum ground wind speed near the typhoon center. What's the level of typhoon? How to divide it?

2019-07-01 11:33 What controls the development of typhoon

Typhoons often bring strong winds, rainstorms and storm surges, which destroy buildings and submerge farmland in coastal areas without fear. What factors control the development of typhoon?