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Topping [Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 16:20)

Typhoon "Kanu" Path Map

[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 15:39)

[Impact] The impact of "Kanu" weakening into tropical depression on China is gradually weakening

At 08-14 today, the rainfall in the coastal area of northeast Zhejiang is still strong, like the rainfall in Dinghai, which is 46.9mm. At 14:00 today, typhoon "Kanu" has weakened into a tropical depression, which is located in the offshore waters in the northwest of Hainan Island. It is expected that the low pressure after the "Kanu" weakening will move to the southwest at a speed of about 15 kilometers per hour, and will weaken and disappear soon.
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 15:26)

[Impact] "Kanu" brings heavy rain to Taiwan, and Taitung Zhiben is seriously affected

The peripheral circulation of typhoon "Kanu" and the northeast wind form a joint effect, bringing heavy rain to the northern and eastern half of Taiwan. Flooding and debris flow disasters occur in many areas, especially in Taitung. View original link
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 14:22)

[Impact] The "Kanu" strong wind collapses the ceiling of the bus station in Guigang, Guangxi

On the evening of the 15th, the gale hit Guigang City, Guangxi. On the morning of the 16th, the gale was still raging in Guigang, Guangxi. Many billboards were blown off, and the barriers on the road were blown out of order. The ceiling of the bus station billboards on the roadside was directly blown down, and the iron frame was directly broken by the waist. The damage was quite serious. (Picture source: Li Xinhua, Guigang Meteorological Bureau)
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 13:36)

[Interpretation] Inventory of typhoons landing in China in 2017

The last landing typhoon in China all the year round is October 6. I hope that this year's "Kanu" will be the last landing. Since this year, 8 typhoons have landed, more than 7 typhoons in the year, and 5 typhoons have landed in Guangdong, more than 2.7 typhoons in the year, only 6 typhoons in 1980 and 1993. ​​​​
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 13:17)

[Impact] Severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall in Zhoushan, Zhejiang and other places Today's rainfall is weakened

Affected by the cloud system and cold air around typhoon "Kanu", heavy rain occurred in Ningbo, Zhoushan, eastern Taizhou, eastern Shaoxing and other places in Zhejiang yesterday (15 days), and heavy rain occurred in some areas. As of 10:00 on the 16th, there were 229 villages and towns with rainfall exceeding 50 mm, 99 with rainfall exceeding 100 mm and 4 with rainfall exceeding 300 mm in the province in the past 12 hours. In addition, the coastal sea surface and some coastal areas have strong winds of 8~10 degrees and local 11 degrees, with the maximum of 35.7 meters/second (12 degrees) on Shengsi Xugong Island. (Picture source: Zhoushan Meteorological Bureau)
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 12:15)

[Forecast] Look at the path of typhoon "Kanu" with color pictures

The figure shows the 3-hour precipitation forecast and path map of typhoon "Kanu" at 08:00 on the 16th. The color indicates the cumulative value of 3-hour precipitation. The warmer the color, the more precipitation. Typhoon sign is the location of typhoon center. The line represents the moving path of the typhoon. The precipitation area of typhoon is mainly concentrated in the area where the typhoon is located and the surrounding cloud belt is located.
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 11:25)

[Impact] Flight 41 of Nanning Airport is blocked today, and there is heavy rain in 6 municipal bureaus in Guangxi

The 20th typhoon of this year, "Kanu", has landed on the coast of Xuwen, Guangdong in the early morning of today (16th), and will continue to move west by south. Affected by it, 41 flights of Nanning Airport are blocked today. During the daytime, there are still heavy rain to heavy rain in 6 cities and bureaus in the west and south of Guangxi, and the gusts in the coast and east can reach 9 to 10 levels; The rain will weaken tomorrow and the local area will still have heavy rain. View original link
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 11:15)

[Forecast] There are still strong storms in Zhanjiang and other cities and counties today

Typhoon "Kanu" has landed in Xuwen, Guangdong at about 3:25 am today (16th day) and gradually moved to the west by south. Under the combined influence of it and cold air, today there are still heavy rain to rainstorm in Zhanjiang, Guangdong and other places, with local heavy rain. There are still 7-8 strong winds along the coast and sea surface of western Guangdong, Qiongzhou Strait, etc. As the typhoon weakens, the southern cities and counties of Guangdong will turn to showers and cloudy weather in the next two days, and the temperature will also rise significantly. View original link
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 11:30)

[Forecast] Rainfall in Guangzhou

Affected by "Kanu", Guangzhou Panyu District and the urban area experienced rainfall from south to north this morning, and the wind was gradually showing. (Source: Weibo @ Guangzhou Weather)
[Moderator] Live broadcaster
(2017-10-16 11:12)

[Impact] "Kanu" went to Haikou with wind and rain, and social order was basically restored

The 20th typhoon of this year, "Kanu", landed in Xuwen, Guangdong at 3:25 a.m. on the 16th. The reporter learned from the relevant departments of Haikou that as of 8:00 a.m. on the 16th, the impact of "Kanu" on the urban area of Haikou had basically ended, the city had not received reports of casualties, and social order in Haikou had basically recovered. View original link
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