whole country > Yunnan > Dali > city proper
Blue sky forecast
day one two three four five six
Week 1

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Week 2

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Week 3

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Week 4

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Week 5

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Week 6

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

Historical mean

  • High temperature forecast
  • Low temperature forecast
  • Historical mean high temperature
  • Historical mean low temperature

16-40 day forecast is an objective forecast product, which reflects the trend of future weather changes. Please pay attention to the latest forecast at any time

The 16-40 day forecast data comes from the National Climate Center and is processed according to the objective forecast system of the global numerical weather forecast model. Without subjective correction by the forecasters, it reflects the trend of weather changes in the future for a period of time, with certain uncertainty, for the public to refer to. For more accurate weather forecast, it is necessary to pay attention to short-term weather forecast and update the latest forecast information at any time.
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