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Good morning weather: Large scale rainfall in the middle and east. Please pay attention to the weather change for weekend travel

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Video content: The key word of today's weather is "rain". Affected by the cold air, there will be a large-scale rainfall process in the central and eastern regions today. There will be scattered showers or thunderstorms in North China, Northeast China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River. There will be moderate to heavy rain locally, accompanied by thunderstorms, gales, hail and other severe convective weather. In the next three days, the precipitation in the south will be stronger. Some areas in Jiangnan, northern South China and Guizhou will have heavy rain, and local heavy rain. If you go out on weekends, you should check the weather in advance.
Source: China Weather Network
Edit: Zhang Yu
Published: 2024-05-09 18:28:46
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