1. Pre disaster prevention measures for crops such as rice, vegetables and dry grain

After the typhoon news is released, make early preparations for places that may suffer from typhoon attacks and floods, and take timely measures to prevent and avoid disasters. The following measures shall be taken for field crops:
Dredge ditches and open field drainage ditches to ensure smooth drainage and irrigation; Prepare sufficient agricultural materials for disaster relief; If the field crops such as rice, corn, soybeans, melons and vegetables have matured, organize timely rush harvesting; Repair and reinforce production facilities such as greenhouses. Timely organize the evacuation of field operators.

2. Post typhoon disposal measures

1) Rice

Dredge ditches and open field drainage ditches to ensure smooth drainage and irrigation; Flush the blade slurry and fertilize in time; Spray timely to prevent and control pests. After the typhoon, a large number of leaves were injured, and the number of flooded rice fields increased, which was very conducive to the occurrence of rice diseases, including rice planthoppers and leaf rollers. According to the actual occurrence of diseases and pests, the corresponding pesticides shall be selected in time for prevention and control.

2) Vegetables

Ditch cleaning and drainage; If the vegetable fields are flooded and the vegetables are damaged, the affected vegetables that still have market value should be harvested actively and listed quickly to reduce losses; Strengthen the prevention and control of vegetable diseases.

3) Upland crops

Timely drainage and intercropping, increase fertilizer, especially quick acting nitrogen fertilizer, improve soil nutrient status, and make plants grow rapidly; For lodging upland crops, lift up before new roots are formed, and fertilize while cultivating soil to promote new roots to root down quickly.

4) Mulberry tea fruit production

First, ditch drainage and clean up sludge and sundries. For the flooded garden, open ditches and drains to quickly drain the accumulated water in the garden, reduce the groundwater level and accelerate the drying of topsoil. The seawater flows backward into the orchard, and after the seawater is drained, it is flushed with fresh water. The mud on the branches and leaves of plants shall be cleaned with water in time, and the sundries hanging on the plants shall be removed in time. For plants that have been flooded for a long time, some branches and leaves shall be cut off.

The second is to straighten the tree body of the tree washed down by the flood as soon as possible, and set up supports to support and fix it, and do a good job of earth covering for the exposed roots. For trees with seriously damaged roots, loosen branches and cut leaves to reduce leaf evaporation. Cut off the broken branches in time.

The third is timely soil loosening. The garden soil hardens after flooding, which is easy to cause root hypoxia. When the garden surface soil is basically dry, loosen the soil in time.

The fourth is topdressing. After waterlogging, the root system of the tree is damaged, and its ability to absorb fertilizer and water is weak. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer to the root immediately. 0.1-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.3% urea, and foliar fertilizer can be used for top dressing outside the root. Spray 2-3 times every 5 days or so. After the tree vigor is restored, the soil shall be applied with manure, cake fertilizer or urea to promote new roots.

Fifth, moderate trimming. The amount of pruning shall be determined according to the degree of damage. In addition to re pruning, some or all of the fruits of heavily damaged trees shall also be picked to reduce water evaporation of waterlogged branches and leaves and nutrient consumption of trees.

Sixth, we should do a good job in disease and insect prevention. After the typhoon, it is easy to induce various diseases and insect pests, and citrus is prone to acute anthrax, canker, black spot, rust tick, red spider; Pears are prone to scab, pear rust and ring rot; Peach is prone to brown rot and anthracnose; Myrica rubra is prone to brown spot and red coat disease; Loquat is prone to spot disease, gray spot disease, corner spot disease, dirty leaf disease and yellow caterpillar; Grape is prone to black spot. Attention should be paid to the monitoring of the above diseases and pests. In case of occurrence, the corresponding pesticides should be used for timely prevention and control.