Tourism Strategy of Zhouqu, Gansu Province

typeface large in Small 2010-08-09 09:41:34
Source: Network synthesis  

Zhouqu County is located in the south of Gansu Province, southeast of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, east of Wudu District, Longnan City, north of Dangchang County, Longnan City, southwest of Diebu County, Wenxian County, Longnan City and Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province. Located in the southern Qinling Mountains, Minshan Mountains running from southeast to northwest run through the whole territory.

Domestic climate: Zhouqu County is located in the warm climate zone. Due to the complex terrain and great height difference, the climate is very different. There is often a natural landscape of "peach blossom blooming at the foot of the mountain and snow covered on the mountain". At the same time, it also shows the climate characteristics of "ten miles in different days, one mountain has four sights". The annual average temperature in the territory is 12.7 ℃, the annual frost free period is 223 days on average, and the annual rainfall is 400-800 mm. There is no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer. It is known as the "Peach Blossom Garden in Longshang".

Zhouqu County is known as "Tibetan Jiangnan", "Buer Yangzhou", "Nation of Women", etc. The tourism resources in Zhouqu County are unique. There are not only magnificent natural scenery, but also ancient and magical Tibetan and Qiang folk culture and landscape. The mountains and waters here combine the majesty of the Tibetan village in the north with the elegance and beauty of the south of the Yangtze River. The style of "Nine Colors Gannan Shambhala" is unique here.

 Tibetan Township Jiangnan Gansu Zhouqu
Scenery of Laga Mountain

In Zhouqu County, there are not only vast national forest parks - beach forest parks, temple groups and the famous mountain Cuifeng Mountain in Longshang, national 4A tourist attractions - Laga Mountain and other natural scenery, but also mysterious and unique folk culture such as the Pakistan Tibet Tide Festival, Horse Racing Festival, and the recently discovered site of the ancient tea and horse path in Tang and Song Dynasties - Shimengou Plank Path.

tourist resources

Fairyland on Earth, Mount Laga Laga Mountain is a national 4A tourist attraction and one of the top ten tourist attractions in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. With an average altitude of 2000 meters, the Bailong River, a secondary tributary of the Yangtze River, flows through its northern foot. It is a unique natural landscape integrating streams, mountain villages, grassy slopes and forests. Vegetation in subtropical, temperate and cold zones is vertically distributed.

 Tibetan Township Jiangnan Gansu Zhouqu
Mingshan Lady Laga Mountain

Laga Mountain is still an unknown scenic spot and a lady in the hinterland of Minshan Mountain. With its unique charm of Tibetan and Qiang people, wonderful mountains and beautiful waters, it makes the reputation of Zhouqu in the south of the Yangtze River in Tibet go nowhere. The rich Tibetan customs, the sweet and bright original Tibetan songs, the rough and crazy Dodi dance, the mellow and sweet highland barley wine, the Guozhuang that jumps around the campfire, and the beautiful and sentimental landscapes that embrace you are enough to make you stay drunk and forget to leave here. Laga Mountain is known as the south of the Tibetan River and a summer resort. When you arrive at Laga Mountain, you will enter the natural oxygen bar, which is a beautiful place for leisure, recuperation and free mood, the hometown of singing and dancing, and the paradise of soul.


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