Safe travel and happy journey

typeface large in Small 2018-11-16 15:23:51
Source: Beijing Daily  

The "Tomb Sweeping Day" holiday is coming, and the Office of Beijing Holiday Tourism Leading Group specially reminds tourists to improve their safety awareness, never forget their own safety when traveling, and fully enjoy the happy journey.

Diet to prevent food poisoning

When traveling to other cities or suburbs of Beijing, especially to folk villages and farmhouses, tourists should pay special attention to food hygiene, avoid eating food without safety guarantee, eat raw food carefully or visit unlicensed roadside stalls to prevent food poisoning.

Beware of epidemic infectious diseases. Spring is the season of frequent occurrence of infectious diseases, especially respiratory diseases. When traveling, you should carry commonly used drugs. When you get sick, you should go to the hospital in time to prevent mutual infection.

Stay in formal hotels

Know the safety instructions for guest rooms, be familiar with the safe entrances and exits, evacuation routes and protective facilities of hotels, do not smoke indoors and discard cigarette butts, and do not use high-power electrical equipment in rooms.

Lock the doors and windows before entering and leaving the room and going to bed. Don't tell strangers the room number casually.

When you go out, you should tell your guide or companion to get a hotel contact card. If you get lost, you can ask the address on the card or take a taxi to ensure safe return.

Take good care of your belongings. You can hand over your valuables to the front desk for safekeeping to prevent them from being stolen.

Pay attention to traffic safety when traveling

During the short and long holidays, continue to implement the toll free policy for minibus highways. Tourists who travel by themselves or by themselves should timely obtain policy and road information through the media, reasonably arrange travel time and routes, and try to avoid hot spots and peak hours.

Pay attention to weather changes and early warning information, pay attention to haze, strong wind and other bad weather, and avoid tourism traffic accidents.

Tourists who drive by themselves or take public transport should fasten their seat belts and do not put their heads, hands and feet out of the window; Avoid fatigue driving, overload and overspeed driving to ensure self safety.

Choose a regular travel agency

Choose a regular and reputable travel agency and sign a travel contract. In addition to the liability insurance purchased by the travel agency, travel accident insurance and health insurance can be purchased according to their own conditions.

Obey the arrangement of the team leader and tour guide, and write down the mobile phone number, the number of the tourist vehicle and the location of the parking lot of the team leader and tour guide, in case of convenient contact after leaving the team.

Pay attention to weather forecast and tourism information in time, do not climb wild mountains or use fire in the wild, and prevent safety accidents.

Pay attention to the passing vehicles and no photographing signs when taking photos and videos, and do not stay where there are danger warning signs.

Don't shop impulsively on the journey

During the journey, you should choose regular shops or standard markets to buy souvenirs, and do not trust fellow stores.

Rational consumption, not impulsive shopping, not greedy for small bargains. The purchase of goods requires an invoice (receipt) as a basis for safeguarding rights.

Pay attention to the safety of your belongings when shopping. Don't bring money and goods around to watch the activity, in case someone robs.

Civilized travel pays attention to safety

Go out in a civilized way, improve the awareness of civilization, consciously abide by the norms of civilized behavior, and avoid making friends and fighting with others.

Take part in healthy and progressive recreational activities and combine education with tourism to avoid pornography, gambling and drug abuse, so as to avoid fraud or violation of public security regulations.

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Editor: Jiang Yi

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