Hainan, China Weather Network On July 16, 2010, the second typhoon of this year, "Kangsen", was approaching Hainan Island step by step. At 15:00 pm, although "Kangsen" had reached the sea area less than 100 kilometers away from Sanya City, Hainan Province, there was still no significant rainfall in Sanya City, but the temperature was lower than a few days ago.

 Kangsen is less than 100 kilometers away from Sanya, but it is not there due to wind and heavy rain
In the Tianya Haijiao Scenic Spot, the typhoon did not dampen the tourists' interest, and everyone rushed to take a group photo with the waves (photographer: Zhang Lei)

In some scenic spots in Sanya, marine entertainment projects have been basically suspended. However, the reporter saw in the famous scenic spot Tianya Haijiao that the number of visitors has not decreased. According to the staff of the scenic spot team, because the temperature is slightly lower than that of the previous days, and the marine entertainment project is suspended, the number of tourists in the scenic spot today is not affected by the typhoon, even less than that of the previous days, and the number of daily visitors is expected to exceed 7000 or 8000.

Although there was no heavy rainfall in Sanya, the wind force on the sea increased significantly, and the highest wave in the sea area near Sanya was up to 1.5 meters.

According to the forecasters in the wind chasing emergency vehicle of Hainan Meteorological Bureau, as the main precipitation of "Kangsen" is in the southeast quadrant of the typhoon, Sanya, located in the northwest quadrant of the typhoon, has not seen significant rainfall. However, Sanya is already within the scope of typhoon level 7 wind circle. Even if the wind on land is smaller than that at sea, the wind speed in Sanya can reach level 5 or so. Remind citizens to take precautions against wind and avoid traveling as much as possible.