China Weather News With the "Kangsen" approaching step by step, strong storms will appear in western Guangdong, especially in Leizhou Peninsula, and the hot weather that has lasted for nearly half a month in some areas will be eased.

Affected by the subtropical high and the peripheral circulation of tropical cyclones, Guangdong has experienced 15 consecutive days of high temperature weather. As of 17:00 yesterday, 17 cities and counties in Guangdong Province had experienced high temperatures above 35 ℃. However, with the "Kangsen" gradually approaching, most cities and counties in Guangdong Province had showers or thunderstorms during the day yesterday, and the high temperature and hot weather has been significantly alleviated.

At 8:00 this morning, the center of typhoon "Kangsen" was located at 17.1 degrees north latitude and 111.3 degrees east longitude, that is, on the sea surface about 240 kilometers southeast of Sanya City, Hainan Province. The maximum wind force near the center was 12, reaching a wind speed of 33 meters per second (equivalent to 119 kilometers per hour). The lowest pressure in the center was 975 hPa, and the radius of the wind force 8 was about 150 kilometers.

The Guangzhou Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that "Conson" will move towards the northwest by west at the speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour in the next 24 hours, and will land in the coastal area of southeast Hainan or cross the coastal waters of southern Hainan to enter the Beibu Gulf at night on the 16th, which will have a serious impact on western Guangdong (especially Leizhou Peninsula).

Under its influence, from today to the 17th, the sea surface wind force in the northwest of the South China Sea, Qiongzhou Strait, Beibu Gulf and western Guangdong gradually increased to 7-9; There is heavy rain in western Guangdong, including heavy rain in Leizhou Peninsula, and strong wind of 6-8 magnitude; The Pearl River Delta has moderate rain, local heavy rain, and other areas have showers or thunderstorms. The early high temperature weather will be further eased.

On the 18th, as the "Kangsen" landing weakened and moved away, the impact on the wind and rain in Guangdong Province tended to end.