Hohhot, Inner Mongolia is hit by hail. Thunderstorms will occur in the next two days
Today, hail suddenly fell in Hohhot( Photographed by Wu Xinyan

 Hohhot, Inner Mongolia is hit by hail. Thunderstorms will occur in the next two days
The maximum diameter of hail in Hulunbeier is 15mm (photographed by Sun Xiaohui)

China Weather Network News Today (17th), Hohhot, Inner Mongolia and other places experienced rainfall and accompanied by hail weather, but the duration of hail was relatively short and did not bring significant impact. It is expected that thunderstorms will still occur in the middle and east of Inner Mongolia in the next two days.

Affected by the rainfall yesterday (16th), the temperature in the capital Hohhot was low this morning. With the westerly wind of level 3 and 4, I felt a bit cold when I went out in the morning. However, the amount of clouds in the sky gradually increased in the morning. At about 9:00, it suddenly rained heavily, accompanied by hail. The duration of hail is 8 minutes, and the maximum diameter is 8 mm. The sudden rain caught pedestrians off guard. Fortunately, the rush hour has passed and there is no impact on the traffic.

In addition to Hohhot, the Xiaoergou area in Hulunbeier City also experienced heavy precipitation, thunderstorm and strong wind this afternoon. At about 16:30, there was hail, the largest diameter of which was 15mm, but the hail did not last long.

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory predicts that thunderstorms will still occur in the eastern region in the next two days, and some areas will be accompanied by severe convection weather. Please pay attention to the corresponding protection work for citizens who go out. (Part of the article is provided by Chen Huiru and Guo Min)