BEIJING, June 16 (Xinhua) -- Since the 13th of this month, there has been another heavy rainfall in South China and the south of the Yangtze River. According to the Office of the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the rainstorm has caused 1.432 million people in five provinces and regions of Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong and Jiangxi, 42 people died, 36 people were lost, more than 6000 houses collapsed, and the direct economic loss was about 2.04 billion yuan.

The Office of the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters reported that the main characteristics of the flood situation and disaster are: first, the rainfall intensity is high. The accumulated rainfall in central and southern Fujian, northeast Guangxi, northeast Guangdong and eastern coastal areas is 80~150 mm, with the maximum rainfall of 510 mm in Longmen, Guangdong, 359 mm in Chentang, Tengxian, Guangxi, and 342 mm in Baisha, Longyan, Fujian; The second is that the rainfall process lasts for a long time, with 14 consecutive heavy rainfall processes in South China; Third, the flood magnitude of small and medium-sized rivers is large and the water level is high. The main tributaries of Minjiang River in Fujian, Jinjiang River, Jiulong River and Tingjiang River, the tributaries of Xijiang River in Guangxi, Guijiang River, Mengjiang River and Hejiang River, the upper reaches of Ganjiang River in Jiangxi, and the upper reaches of Xiangjiang River in Hunan have experienced floods beyond the warning level. Among them, Jiulong River in Fujian Province experienced floods exceeding the guaranteed water level, and Lingwei Stream, a tributary of Minjiang River, and Xinqiao River, a tributary of Jiulong River, experienced floods exceeding the historical record; Fourthly, mountain torrents occur frequently, and casualties are mainly caused by mountain torrents, landslides, debris flows, and house collapses.

According to statistics, as of June 16, 22 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) had suffered floods this year. 2114000 hectares of crops were affected, 30.89 million people were affected, 197 people died, 62 people were missing, 1.46 million people were transferred, 162000 houses collapsed, and the direct economic loss was about 26 billion yuan. Compared with the average in the same period since 2000, the area of crops affected by disasters is 15% more, the number of people killed by disasters is 16% less, the number of people affected by disasters is 2% more, the number of collapsed houses is 5% more, and the direct economic loss is 90% more.