On June 16, Hui Liangyu, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and Commander in Chief of the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, gave important instructions on the current flood control work. In view of the recent heavy rain disasters, landslides and debris flows in many places in China, he asked the National Defense General to issue an emergency notice again and further put forward clear requirements and arrangements on the basis of the arrangements already made. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully analyze, study and judge the characteristics of this year's flood and disaster, strengthen the implementation of the responsibility system and the plan, do a targeted job in flood control, flood fighting, disaster reduction and relief, and especially make great efforts to ensure the safety of reservoirs, rivers and dams during the flood season and prevent geological disasters. Chen Lei, Deputy Commander in Chief of the National Flood Control Headquarters and Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, immediately presided over the emergency flood control conference of the National Flood Control Headquarters, implemented the important directive spirit of Vice Premier Hui Liangyu, carefully analyzed and judged the current weather situation changes and rainfall, flood and disaster conditions, and further deployed flood control and flood fighting work.

According to the analysis of the National Defense Administration, heavy rainfall has occurred in Jiangnan, South China and other places since June 14, and floods exceeding the warning level have occurred in the main tributaries of Fujian Minjiang River, Jinjiang River, Jiulong River and Tingjiang River, the tributaries of Guangxi Xijiang River, Guijiang River, Mengjiang River and Hejiang River, the upper reaches of Jiangxi Ganjiang River and Hunan Xiangjiang River. Torrential rain triggered flash floods, landslides and mudslides have caused serious floods and casualties in Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces and regions. At the same time, the reservoir water storage in some areas is increasing, the river water level is high, the soil water content tends to be saturated, the possibility of major floods and serious mountain torrents is increasing, the typhoons generated and landed later may be concentrated and strong, and the extreme heavy rainfall events with high intensity and short duration cannot be avoided, so the situation of flood control and flood fighting throughout the country is not optimistic.

To this end, the National Flood Control Headquarters today issued an emergency notice to relevant provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Taihu Lake and the Pearl River basin, requiring all regions to conscientiously implement the important directive spirit of the central leadership on flood control and flood fighting, resolutely overcome the paralytic mentality and fluke mentality, and make all preparations in accordance with the requirements of flood prevention, flood fighting and emergency fighting. In the face of possible heavy rainfall, we must take strict precautions, launch emergency response in time, and minimize disaster losses, especially to ensure the safety of personnel. At the same time, all member units of the National Flood Control Headquarters are required to do their own flood control work according to the requirements of Level III emergency response, so as to form a joint force for flood control and flood fighting. The six working groups sent by the National Flood Control General and the Ministry of Water Resources to Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and Xinjiang to guide the work should go deep into the site, assist the local authorities in post disaster resettlement, flood fighting and emergency rescue, accident investigation and other work, and work together with the local government to do a good job in flood control and flood fighting.

It is reported that the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council had given important instructions to the defense work for many times in response to the heavy rainfall process in the southern region. The National Defense General issued an emergency notice in advance to make arrangements and deployment for the defense work. On June 13, the flood control level IV emergency response was launched, and on June 14, the emergency response level was raised to level III, and discussions were intensified, In view of the development and changes of the flood situation in various regions, six working groups were sent to the scene of the disaster area to assist the local authorities in flood control, flood fighting and disaster relief. Party committees and governments at all levels in relevant regions have made emergency arrangements. The main leaders of the party and government have gone deep into the front line and commanded from the front. All flood control and flood fighting work is being carried out orderly, forcefully and effectively.