After entering summer, the weather is hot, the human body sweats more and often loses appetite. In order to keep healthy, people should eat light, nutritious and digestible food. So, do you have to be vegetarian for a light diet?

Not really. Light diet refers to a diet with light taste (such as low salt, low sugar and low fat) on the premise of balanced diet and reasonable nutrition. You can eat vegetables, fruits, grains, and foods rich in protein, such as chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and so on.

How do you regulate your appetite in summer? You can properly eat some appetizing and digestive foods, such as hawthorn, tangerine peel, vinegar and other sour foods; At the same time, you can choose to eat less and more meals, adjust the diet structure appropriately, and enhance your appetite; In addition, you can eat more food rich in water, such as porridge and noodles, which are easy to absorb, and can also improve the loss of appetite caused by excessive sweating.