During the beginning of the summer solar term, everything was nourished by rain, dew and sunshine, and entered the prosperous "long summer" period. At the beginning of summer, there are three stages: "One stage is the chirping of grasshoppers; the second stage is the emergence of earthworms; and the third stage is the birth of Wang Gua." Frogs begin to clamour with the arrival of summer. Earthworms are also busy helping farmers to dig up the soil. The vines of Wang Gua and wild vegetables on the ridges of the countryside are also competing with each other to grow day by day.

In the beginning of summer, people have the custom of tasting new things, which means tasting fresh things, such as summer wheat, broccoli, cherry, plum, green plum, etc. At the beginning of summer, there are also customs such as cooking new tea, playing egg games, and "calling people".

On the summer solstice, The children played a game of "fighting eggs" with boiled eggs. Eggs are divided into two ends. The pointed one is the head, and the round one is the tail. When fighting eggs, the head of the egg hits the head of the egg, and the tail of the egg strikes the tail of the egg. The broken one admits defeat, and finally wins.

Due to the high temperature in summer, the human body is prone to discomfort, such as not thinking about food. Therefore, it is necessary to "weigh people" in the summer, weigh people with scales, weigh again after the summer, and compare the weight with the previous weight, so as to check the health condition and recuperate the body in time.

In addition to some interesting customs, health care should gradually adapt to the climate characteristics in summer. "Thanks to all the crabapples flying, the trapped weather is beginning to grow." After the beginning of summer, people's physical and mental consumption increases, and they are prone to sleepiness. It is suggested to adjust the living style and life rhythm in time, adapt to the characteristics of long days and short nights in summer, lie down at night and get up early, exercise in the morning and take a lunch break to avoid fatigue. Eat less cold food, avoid spicy, low-fat and low salt, and eat more fruits and vegetables, cereals and potatoes, which are light, rich in vitamins and cellulose.

Frogs sing and cicadas chirping, grass growing and warblers flying, green plump and red thin, clouds rolling and clouds relaxing, let's enjoy the vitality of the beginning of summer solar term.