Summer is coming, and the hot weather is accompanied by calm low pressure. If you want to have a good time, open champagne. Everyone knows how to drink champagne, but not everyone drinks champagne in the right way.

What cup to use

If you want to fully enjoy the beauty of champagne, what kind of cup is suitable? The correct answer is neither a cocktail cup for stacking tacky champagne towers, nor a flute cup recommended in many books. In order to concentrate on tasting the flavor of champagne, a simple white wine cup may be a better choice.

Tasting the aroma and taste of wine is the most important, and champagne is no exception. No matter how we endow champagne with luxury image or romantic reverie, it is still wine. Although the flute shaped champagne cup can let you fully appreciate the bubbles, the narrow mouth is difficult to fully release the aroma of champagne. Put your nose close to the small cup mouth and smell it carefully? Because the flute cup is usually at least 2/3 full of wine, be careful to inhale the spilled wine when it is too close to the mouth of the cup. The white wine cup is not only convenient for you to appreciate the aroma of champagne, but also convenient for you to control the state of bubbles.

About Bubbles

Readers who believe in the knowledge know that no one should open the champagne in the way of desperately shaking except for going crazy on the racing track.

The bubbles of champagne are just like the enthusiasm of a girl. It is less cold and heartless, and too much to be tolerated. When opening the champagne carefully, in addition to the etiquette, the more important factor is to appease the bubbles in the bottle. When opened by rough means, bubbles will become restless after the champagne is jolted or overheated, and once poured into the cup, a thick layer of foam will rise like beer. When drinking at this time, the liquor turns into a rough foam before it touches the taste buds, and can't show other flavors except acid.

Of course, sometimes when champagne is bumpy during transportation or stored in a high temperature environment for a period of time, even if you are careful when serving, the bubbles will become restless. At this time, it is better to leave the liquor in the cup for a period of time, and then taste it after the foam dissipates.

How to appreciate

After choosing the right cup and wine opening method, you can finally drink it. There is no big difference between tasting champagne and other wines, but there are also some tricks.

First of all, the most reliable way to judge bubbles is not to look with your eyes: the bubbles of champagne are affected by many factors in the glass. The shape of the glass, the cleanliness of the glass, the temperature of the environment and even the sound may affect the performance of bubbles. Even high-quality champagne can't show any beautiful bubbles in the glass washed with detergent, but you can still feel the bubbles rising on the tongue coating after you drink it. The most reliable way to judge the vitality, delicacy and durability of champagne bubbles is still to experience their touch on the tongue.

The temperature should also be careful not to be too cold. Many people like to drink Champagne after it is cold. But in fact, the concept of about 8 degrees Celsius is almost refreshing, but not enough to feel tongue tingling. When the temperature is too low, the delicate aroma of champagne cannot fully bloom, leaving only a faint sour taste. The higher the quality of champagne, the higher the temperature suitable for drinking. Of course, only a few of the top champagne can hold the "high temperature" of 16 degrees.

Some flavor elements of champagne

1. Yeast flavor: due to the second fermentation in the bottle, most champagne will more or less have the flavor of baking pastries provided by yeast, such as toast, biscuits, toast, and even develop into white chocolate, walnut and other flavors due to aging. This style is particularly distinctive in some Champagne manufacturers that pursue plump and oily texture, while it is not so obvious in Champagne manufacturers that pursue young and light style.

2. Fragrance of flowers and fruits: This is the main purchase point of many Champagnes, especially those young people who drink NV. No vintage champagne, even if a high proportion of Pinot Noir is used, most of its fruit aroma is still sour and light, such as green apple, pear and lime; For complex vintage champagne, even Blanc de Blancs made from 100% Chardonnay can produce some red fruit aroma after aging.

3. Mineral texture: Different from the philosophy of Champagne's neighbor Chablis, many Champagnes believe that mineral texture cannot be smelled, but can be drunk. When you taste a champagne with crisp acidity, which brings a sense of vibration to the taste buds, but also has a cold style that is difficult to describe, it is almost the kind of mineral feeling they said.

4. Fragrant: Many champagne factories will add some old wine when mixing, which will add considerable complexity to champagne and improve the overall quality in weaker years. This will also add caramel, dried flowers and even oxidized nut flavor to your champagne.