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August 21: National weather forecast for the next three days

[Font: large   in   Small 2017-08-21 08:00:00 Source: China Weather Network

There will be obvious precipitation in the eastern part of northwest China, northern China and northeast China

Typhoon "Tiange" will bring heavy wind and rain to the eastern coast of South China

1、 Heavy rain or rainstorm occurs in Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hubei and other places

Yesterday, heavy rain or rainstorm occurred in parts of eastern Gansu, Shaanxi, western Sichuan Basin, southwest Hubei, northwest Hunan and other places. Heavy rain (100~156 mm) occurred in Longnan, Gansu, Hanzhong, Shaanxi, Mianyang, Sichuan, Ya'an, Yichang, Hubei and other places. The rainfall at Changyang Bureau in Yichang, Hubei reached 232 mm; In addition, scattered heavy rain and local heavy rain (100~116mm) occurred in southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu and southern Zhejiang.

2、 Key weather forecast

1. There will be obvious precipitation in the east of northwest China, north China and northeast China

From the 21st to the 23rd, moderate to heavy rain will successively occur in the eastern part of northwest China, north China, and most of northeast China, among which there will be heavy rain in parts of northern Shaanxi, central and northern Shanxi, and western Sichuan Basin, and there will be heavy rain locally. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, and there are thunderstorms, gales, hail and other severe convective weather locally.

2. Typhoon "Tiange" will bring heavy wind and rain impact to the eastern coast of South China

Under the influence of Typhoon No. 13 "Tiange" this year, during the daytime from the 21st to the 23rd, there will be a force 7 to 9 gale in the sea area south of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the sea surface east of Taiwan, the Bashi Strait, and the sea area northeast of the South China Sea. The wind force in the sea area near the typhoon center can reach force 10 to 11, and gust force 12 to 13. From the 21st to the 23rd, moderate to heavy rain will successively occur in eastern and south central Taiwan, southern China and southern Jiangnan, with local rainstorm or heavy rain.

3、 Specific forecast in the future

From 08:00 on the 21st to 08:00 on the 22nd, there was strong rainfall in the central and eastern parts of northwest China and the western part of North China. There are moderate to heavy rains in the middle east of northwest China, western North China, western Sichuan Basin, western Heilongjiang, central and southern Taiwan, among which there are local heavy rains (50~80mm) in eastern Gansu, northern Shaanxi, northern Shanxi, southern Taiwan, etc; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy rainfall, local thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather (see Figure 1). There will be 6-8 strong winds in the southern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the northeast of the South China Sea. The wind force in the nearby sea areas where the "Sky Pigeon" center passes can reach 9-10, and the gust can reach 11-12.

Figure 1 National Precipitation Forecast Map (08:00, August 21 to 08:00, August 22)

From 08:00 on the 22nd to 08:00 on the 23rd, there was strong precipitation in the eastern part of northwest China and most of North China. Some areas in the east of northwest China, most of North China, southeast of Inner Mongolia, west of Sichuan Basin, east coast of South China, southeast coast of Jiangnan, east and south of Taiwan and other places have moderate to heavy rain, of which northeast Shaanxi, central Shanxi, east and south of Taiwan and other places have heavy rain, and southeast Taiwan has heavy rain (100~180 mm); Some of the above areas have short-term heavy rainfall, local thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather (see Figure 2). There will be 7-9 strong winds in the southern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the northeast of the South China Sea. The wind force in the nearby sea areas where the "Sky Pigeon" center passes can reach 10-11, and the gust can reach 12-13.

Figure 2 National Precipitation Forecast Map (08:00, August 22 to 08:00, August 23)

From 08:00 on the 23rd to 08:00 on the 24th, Typhoon "Tiange" brought heavy rain to South China, southern Jiangnan and other regions. Some areas in southwestern Heilongjiang, northern Shandong Peninsula, southern Hunan, central and eastern South China, coastal areas in eastern Fujian, western Taiwan and other places have heavy rain, of which southern Hunan, northern Guangxi, northern Guangdong and other places have heavy rain (100~160 mm); Some of the above areas have short-term heavy rainfall, local thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather (see Figure 3). There will be southerly winds of magnitude 7 to 8 and gusts of magnitude 9 to 10 in the Taiwan Strait and the northeastern waters of the South China Sea.

Figure 3 National Precipitation Forecast Map (08:00, August 23 to 08:00, August 24)

3、 Impact and concern

(1) From the 21st to the 23rd, during the heavy rainfall process in the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Northeast China and other places, pay attention to the possible mountain torrents, debris flows and other disasters caused by local heavy rainfall, and at the same time, take precautions against severe convective weather hazards such as local landmine storms and gales;

(2) Pay attention to the impact of typhoon "Tiange" and the low value system of the South China Sea on the wind and rain in South China and Fujian;

(3) Pay attention to the continuous high temperature weather and adverse effects in Jianghuai, Jiangnan and eastern Sichuan Basin;

(4) Meteorological service guarantee for Tianjin National Games;

(5) Meteorological service guarantee of Xiamen BRICS Summit.

Prepared by: Zhang Feng, Jin Mina Issued by: Ma Xuefan

Please indicate "Source: China Weather Network" for reprint.
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