Recent major weather events

2024-08-29 07:56:22 A new round of precipitation process goes online in the north of Sichuan Basin, which is extremely hot and persistent

Today and tomorrow (August 29-30), the high temperature in the south will be concentrated in the Sichuan Basin. Before and after August 31, the high temperature in Jiangnan and other places will increase again. The high temperature process in Sichuan Basin will last at least until the first ten days of September.

2024-08-28 07:56:07 High temperature in Sichuan Basin or rainstorm in coastal areas of South China in early September

The high temperature in South China will continue to decrease today and tomorrow (August 28-29), and the high temperature in Jiangnan, South China and other places will stop temporarily, but the sultry weather will continue. The high temperature in Sichuan Basin is persistent.

2024-08-27 07:56:49 The high temperature in the south is gradually decreasing, with strong rainfall in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places

Today (August 27), the high temperature in South China has gradually decreased, and the high temperature in Jianghuai, Jiangnan, South China and other places has gradually eased, but the high temperature in Sichuan Basin will still be maintained, and Chongqing and other places still have hot weather above 40 ℃.

2024-08-26 08:08:02 The high temperature in the south weakens briefly in the morning, and the rainfall core area in the north moves to Shandong

This week, the high temperature in Jianghuai, Jiangnan and other places will weaken briefly and then increase again, while the high temperature in Sichuan Basin is "very durable". Today's heavy rainfall will be mainly concentrated in Shandong and other places. Tomorrow, the rainfall in most areas will be significantly reduced.

2024-08-25 07:50:49 Large scale high temperature in the south lasts until the end of the month, and the rainfall in the north moves eastward to Huanghuai and other places in North China

Today (August 24), there is still a large range of high temperature from Sichuan Basin to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, so we need to continue to do a good job in heatstroke prevention. At the same time, the rainfall process in the north continues to spread eastward. Today, the core of rainfall will be concentrated in North China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River.

2024-08-24 07:45:13 Heavy rain in parts of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other regions The "autumn tiger" in the south continues to rage

Today, a new round of precipitation process will be launched in the north, and the precipitation will develop from west to east. Today, the "autumn tiger" in the south has continued to be aggressive, and the public needs to continue to take measures to prevent heatstroke.

2024-08-23 07:45:03 Coming out tomorrow, high temperature in the south increases, and a new round of precipitation process in the north is coming

It will officially come out tomorrow, but the high temperature in the south will not "stop", instead, it will increase. The north will have frequent rainfall. A new round of rainfall process will be launched again tomorrow, so we need to pay attention to prevention.

2024-08-22 07:45:32 Today is the summer. The high temperature in the south continues. Yunnan, Guangxi and other places have heavy rainfall

Today is the second solar term of autumn - the first summer, but the south is still hot. In addition, the rainfall in the middle east will continue to converge today and tomorrow.

2024-08-21 08:00:04 Rainfall in China generally weakens, decreases, and high temperature in the south increases. Sichuan Basin is the thermal center

Today (August 21), the rainfall in China is generally decreasing. From tomorrow, the rainfall in the central and eastern regions will end, and the hot weather from Huanghuai to Jiangnan will develop rapidly, with Sichuan Basin as the thermal center.

2024-08-20 08:19:58 Heavy rainfall in Guangdong, Liaoning and other places keeps on, and high temperature gradually increases in the south. Many places in the north experience the cool autumn

Today (August 20), parts of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Fujian, Guangdong and other regions will encounter heavy rain. In the coming week, the high temperature weather in the south of the Huang Huai River will gradually increase, while the cool autumn weather can be experienced in the morning and evening in many northern regions.

2024-08-19 08:13:35 Most of the rain water in central and eastern China is online, and the high temperature is continuous along the Yangtze River

Three days from now (August 19-21), China has a wide area of rainwater coverage, and some areas have strong rainfall. Affected by rainfall, the feeling of summer heat in North China, Northeast China and other places will obviously subside, while the temperature along the Yangtze River is still high this week.

2024-08-18 08:04:28 Long rainfall duration in North China and other places, Jiangnan and South China, be alert to rainstorm surprise

In the next three days (August 18-20) in North China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River, Northeast China and other places, there will be a large rainfall range and a long rainfall duration, so secondary disasters need to be prevented. At the same time, the rainfall in the south central part of the Yangtze River, South China and other places is "scattered and strong".

2024-08-17 07:50:42 Rainy weekend! A new round of rainfall in the north comes, and the scattered heavy rainfall in the south continues

Three days from now, there will be a rainfall process in North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other places. At the same time, scattered heavy rainfall is still occurring in Jiangnan and South China.

2024-08-16 07:50:17 There are still many scattered heavy rainfall in the south, and the northeast of North China and other places face the rainfall process again

Three days from now, the heavy rainfall in the south is still relatively scattered. There is a strong rainfall process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China, North China, Northeast China, Huang Huai River and other places, and there is a local rainstorm or heavy rain.

2024-08-15 07:50:42 Scattered heavy rainfall in Jiangnan and other places in South China The high temperature in most parts of South China weakens

Today and tomorrow, there will be scattered heavy rainfall in South China, Jiangnan and other places. The high temperature in the south has weakened significantly, and Xinjiang has become the core area affected by high temperature.

2024-08-14 08:00:43 Today is the end! Rainfall in many places across the country and high temperature weather in the south eased

This year, the extended version of the "dog days" came to an end. Today, it entered the end. Rainfall is frequent in many parts of the country, with strong rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and other places. The high temperature range in the south is smaller than before, and the intensity is weaker.

2024-08-13 08:00:55 Large scale rainfall in southern China continues to be vigilant against severe convection; high temperatures still exist along the Yangtze River

In the next three days (August 13-15), large-scale rainfall will continue in the south, accompanied by severe convection weather. With the increase of rainfall, the high temperature weather will also ease, but some areas along the Yangtze River will still have continuous high temperature weather.

2024-08-12 08:08:51 More rain in many parts of the country High temperature weather in the south will ease

In the next three days (August 12-14), rainfall will continue in North China, the Yellow River and Huaihe River, the eastern part of Southwest China, Jiangnan and South China. Under the combined influence of cold air and rainfall, the high temperature in the south will decrease and weaken in the coming week.

2024-08-11 08:10:40 Northeast and other places need to be alert to frequent rainfall causing disasters. High temperature intensity in the south will weaken

Today (August 11), the rainfall in Inner Mongolia and Northeast China will still be online. From tomorrow, affected by cold air moving southward and rainfall, the high temperature range in the south will be reduced and the intensity will be weakened.

2024-08-10 07:50:00 Heavy rainfall moves eastward, affecting Northeast China and other places. Large scale high temperature in the south is expected to ease next week

Over the weekend, the heavy rainfall system will continue to move eastward, affecting Northeast China, eastern Inner Mongolia and other places, bringing stormy weather. Local people need to be careful against secondary disasters such as landslides and debris flows.

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