China Weather News Today and tomorrow (May 28-29), the rainfall in Jiangnan and South China will be further reduced, and the heavy rainfall will be concentrated in the coastal areas of South China. In addition, with the arrival of a new cold air, the northern region will also receive a process rainfall from west to east. Today, the rainfall in northwest China is increasing. In terms of temperature, cold air activity is frequent this week, and the temperature in the north will fluctuate due to its influence.

Heavy Rainfall Shrinks in South China, South China, and North China Welcomes a New Round of Rainfall Process

Yesterday, the scope of heavy rainfall in the south was still wide, but with the vortex moving eastward and the cold air moving southward, the center of gravity of heavy rainfall shifted eastward and southward, and heavy rain concentrated in Southeast Anhui, central and southern Zhejiang, western Fujian, northeastern Jiangxi, central and western Guangdong, central and southern Guangxi, southwest Guizhou, western and southeastern Yunnan, etc; The gravity center of heavy rainfall is scattered, and the local rainfall is strong, Jiangmen and Maoming in Guangdong, Chongzuo and Baise in Guangxi There were also violent and rapid short-term heavy precipitation, and some places were also accompanied by thunderstorms, gales or hail weather.

Today and tomorrow, the rainfall in Jiangnan and South China will be further reduced and weakened, with heavy rainfall mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of South China; In addition, with the arrival of a new cold air, the north will also welcome a process rainfall from west to east.

Specifically, today, Some areas in southern and western Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island, southwestern Guizhou, eastern and northwestern Yunnan, western Sichuan Basin, western Chongqing, southern Gansu, central Ningxia, northern Heilongjiang, southeastern Tibet, and western Taiwan have heavy rain, including southwestern Guangdong, northern Hainan Island, northwestern Sichuan Basin Heavy rain in southeast Tibet and other places

tomorrow, Middle East Inner Mongolia, Middle Jilin north There are moderate to heavy rains in central and western Guizhou, most of Chongqing, southwest Hubei, west Hunan, Guizhou, east and northwest Yunnan, west and south Guangxi, southwest Guangdong, Hainan Island, Taiwan Island, northern Sichuan Plateau, southeast Tibet and other places, among which, there are heavy rains in parts of central and western Guizhou, northwest Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwest Guangdong, and northern Hainan Island

The China Weather Network reminds that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, heavy rainfall centers are scattered and local rainfall is strong. The public needs to pay attention to the latest warning and forecast information issued by the local meteorological department to prevent rainstorm disasters, and be alert to possible mountain torrents, geological disasters and floods in small and medium-sized rivers caused by heavy rainfall, far away from dangerous areas such as river valleys, mountains and slopes.

The temperature in the north fluctuates, and most of the stuffy and hot feeling in the south fades

For most of the north, cold air activity is still frequent this week, and the temperature will fluctuate accordingly. Like Yinchuan, the highest temperature yesterday was about 30 ℃, and it will drop to 24 ℃ tomorrow due to rainfall and cold air. From 30th to 31st, it will rise again quickly.

However, due to the frequent influence of cold air this week, there are many rainy days in Northeast China, and the temperature will remain low. Like Changchun, until this Saturday, the highest temperature will be around 20 ℃, and the body feels cool.

In the south, from yesterday, under the double pressure of cold air and rainfall, the temperature dropped in many places. In the next three days, parts of southern China, especially southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai, will remain cool and cool, with the highest temperature around 25 ℃, and the stuffy feeling will fade. Remind the public to adjust their clothes in time according to the temperature change to avoid catching cold.