China Weather News Today (May 27), there is still strong rainfall in some parts of southern China. The center of gravity of the rainfall moves eastward and southward. There are heavy to heavy rain in many parts of South China, including local heavy rain. Under the influence of cold air and rainy weather, the muggy weather in most parts of southern China eased. The temperature in most parts of China this week is close to the same period of the year as a whole, and the temperature fluctuation in many northern regions is relatively obvious. The public please adjust their clothes in time.

The center of gravity of rainfall in South China moves eastward and presses southward, with heavy rain in some places such as South China

Yesterday, there was a wide range of precipitation in southern China, with heavy rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and other places; The precipitation in the north is reduced, mainly affecting the northeast and other places. Monitoring display, 26 Day 8 By 6:00 on the 27th, some areas in Sichuan Basin, central and eastern Chongqing, western and eastern Hubei, central and southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, most of Hunan, central and western Jiangxi, southwestern Yunnan, southwestern and eastern Guizhou, northeastern and southern Guangxi, northern and southern Guangdong, southern Fujian and other places had heavy rain to rainstorm, and Suzhou, Jiangsu, Huzhou, Zhejiang Heavy rain in southwest Guizhou and southern Anhui, central and northern Hunan, southwest Jiangxi, and heavy rain in Loudi and Shaoyang, Hunan In addition, some areas in northern Xinjiang, eastern Gansu, central and southern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, northeastern Liaoning and other places have heavy rain and local rainstorm

Today, the center of gravity of rainfall in South China moves eastward and presses southward, with strong rainfall concentrated in South China and other places. Tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will decrease and weaken. Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicted that today, Most of Jiangnan East of Jianghuai River Most of South China and Moderate to heavy rain occurs in some areas of central and eastern Xinjiang, western Gansu, eastern and southern Qinghai, eastern Tibet, most of Sichuan, southwestern Chongqing, western and eastern Yunnan, central and western Guizhou, eastern Heilongjiang, Taiwan Island, etc., of which, heavy rain or heavy rain occurs in some areas of northeastern Jiangxi, southern Zhejiang, northwestern Fujian, central Guangxi, central and southern Guangdong, etc

tomorrow, Eastern Heilongjiang Some areas in Hetao, Inner Mongolia, eastern and southern Qinghai, central and southern Gansu, most of Ningxia, western Shaanxi, central and northern Sichuan, southwest Chongqing, southeast Tibet, western and eastern Yunnan, southwest Guizhou, central and western Guangxi, central and southern Guangdong, Hainan Island and other places have moderate to heavy rain, including southeast Tibet, northern Sichuan Basin, northwest Yunnan Some areas in the southeast coast of Guangxi, southwest of Guangdong and other places have heavy rain or torrential rain

the day after tomorrow, Along Tianshan Mountains in northern Xinjiang Eastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Jilin, northern Liaoning, eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai, southern Gansu, western and southern Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, most of Jianghan, western South China and south Moderate to heavy rain occurs in some areas, including southeast Tibet, central and western Guizhou, northwest Yunnan, coastal areas in southeast Guangxi, and southwest Guangdong

After this round of precipitation, from May 30 to June 1, there will be moderate to heavy rain in Jiangnan, South China, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Southwest China and other places. There will be heavy rain in some areas. The accumulated rainfall in the south of Jiangnan and parts of South China is large. It is necessary to prevent secondary disasters such as flash floods and landslides that may be caused by continuous rainfall. Please pay attention to traffic safety when traveling in rainy days, Prevent the adverse effects of local heavy rainfall and severe convection weather.

The muggy weather in the south will ease the temperature fluctuation in some northern areas

Before the arrival of cold air and rain, the highest temperature in Jiangnan and other places was generally above 30 ° C in the daytime yesterday, and the body felt sultry; Some areas in Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places have experienced high temperature weather.

Today, under the influence of cold air and rainy weather, most of the muggy weather in the south has eased. Among them, there will be 6~12 ℃ cooling in Jiangnan, Jianghuai and other places. For example, in Nanjing, the highest temperature yesterday was about 32 ℃, and today it will fall to 19 ℃. The body feels cool.

Tomorrow, most of the Middle East is warming up, and the temperature will rise to a level close to the same period of the year. However, there are still cold air activities this week, and the temperature in most parts of China will fluctuate. The temperature fluctuation in some areas, such as the northwest region, is more obvious. The public should adjust their clothes according to the weather changes to prevent colds.