China Weather News This weekend, most parts of the country will have rain, and some areas will have strong rainfall, accompanied by severe convection weather. Affected by rainfall and cold air, the temperature in North China and other places will continue to decline today (May 25), and the temperature in Beijing Tianjin Hebei area will become lower than that in the same period of the year; In the south, the heat is rising. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places may be hot and stuffy.

Most of the north has frequent rainfall, and a new round of heavy rainfall in the south is online

Yesterday, the rainfall in the north gradually increased, while the rainfall in the south mainly occurred in the east of Jiangnan and the east of South China. Monitoring display, From 8:00 yesterday to 6:00 today, the Pearl River Delta region in Guangdong Province experienced heavy rain to heavy rain, and the Guangzhou and Jiangmen bureaus were 200~225mm, with the maximum hourly rainfall of 50~76mm; Heavy rain occurred in southern Gansu, southern Ningxia and other places, and local rainstorm occurred in Dingxi and Gannan.

This weekend, most parts of the north still have frequent rainfall, and the local area will be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, gales, hail and other severe convective weather. In the south, a new round of precipitation process will be launched today. The heavy rainfall at night mainly occurs in the Sichuan Basin. Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall center will be transferred to the west of Jiangnan and the north of South China.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, Some areas in the south of Northeast China, the south central part of North China, the southeast of Northwest China, the west of Jianghuai River, Sichuan Basin, and the south of Jiangnan have moderate to heavy rain, of which some areas in eastern Inner Mongolia, central Hebei, southeast of Sichuan Basin, and northeast Yunnan have heavy rain or heavy rain


tomorrow, Some areas in the west of Northeast China, the middle and west of Jianghuai River, the west of Jiangnan River, the east of Sichuan Basin, the north of South China, and the west of Yunnan have moderate to heavy rain, of which some areas in the west of Hunan, the northeast of Sichuan Basin, the east of Guizhou, the west of Yunnan, and the northeast of Guangxi have heavy rain or heavy rain.


The meteorological department reminds that large scale rainfall will occur in both the north and the south this weekend. The local rainfall is fierce and may be accompanied by severe convective weather. Some regions, such as Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, should be especially alert to various secondary disasters that may be caused by rainfall.

Temperatures in North China and other places continue to fall, and the weather turns cool. Temperatures in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and other places may reach new highs

Influenced by rainfall and cold air, yesterday, the temperature from northwest China to North China Plain dropped significantly, especially in North China. The temperature in Shanxi, Hebei and Tianjin dropped by more than 10 ℃, and the body felt cooler in the morning.

Today, the cooling in the above areas will continue. It is predicted that after the cooling, the maximum temperature in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei area will only be about 20 ℃, and the temperature will turn to a significantly lower state than that in the same period of the year.

But in the south, this weekend, there will be a wide range of areas with the highest temperature exceeding 30 ℃ from the Sichuan Basin to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The temperature in many places will hit new highs this year. Wuhan and Changsha are also expected to usher in the first high temperature this year. At the same time, the humidity in these areas will increase, and the feeling of stuffiness will be obvious. The public should pay attention to prevention.