The goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality reflects China's determination and ambition to actively respond to global climate change. As the main force for the development of the future era, youth groups should actively take action to participate in climate governance and make their voices heard, so as to help China achieve its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals as soon as possible.

Actively acquire climate change knowledge

Young people can actively learn about emissions and climate change by taking courses related to environment and sustainable development, paying attention to policies related to climate change, participating in forums and other ways to increase their understanding of China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

Spread the concept of green and low-carbon

Young people play the role of disseminators in discussing and communicating on the topic of climate change. Young people spread climate change knowledge to their families and friends by launching discussions and exchanges on climate change related topics on social platforms, so as to raise the concern of the whole society on carbon emissions and promote the formation of social awareness of energy conservation and emission reduction.

Reduce personal carbon footprint

Young people should reduce the carbon footprint generated in their daily life, consume moderately, consume green, practice the concept of "CD", take the initiative to classify domestic garbage, improve the diet structure, etc., set an example and take positive actions to influence others, so as to reduce carbon emissions.

Actively take climate action

The role of youth as observers in international climate negotiations cannot be ignored, and they are important target groups for the implementation of the climate action plan. Young people should implement knowledge concepts into climate governance actions, and express their attitudes to climate change by participating in college students' environmental protection associations, youth delegations of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, environmental and climate change related non-governmental organizations (NGOS) projects, scientific research practices in the field of climate change, and other ways to improve youth leadership in tackling climate change, Give play to the important role of youth in climate action.