Climate change is a major issue of common concern for all mankind, and youth strength is indispensable in climate action. On the one hand, young people are the main group of consumption, and their consumption decisions are related to the green low-carbon science of the entire production and lifestyle. On the other hand, young people have deeper insights into new technologies, new ideas and new information, and they can contribute more wisdom and strength to tackling climate change.

International youth participation in global climate governance

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed and established at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In the Convention conferences over the years, young people have always participated in international negotiations on environmental and sustainable development issues.

At the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century: regional youth organizations in Europe and the United States began to form joint forces, and young people were able to participate in the United Nations climate negotiations in the form of youth delegations.

In 2004, the North American Youth Climate Network "Energy Action Alliance" was established.

In 2006, Canada and Australia successively established Youth Climate Alliance.

2007: China Youth Action Network for Climate Change (CYCAN) was established.

2008: The British Youth Climate Alliance and the Indian Youth Climate Network were established.

Around the world, young people can take positive action on climate change through these regional alliances or action networks. Beyond the negotiating table, youth's actions have also become an important force in promoting the international climate process.