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Domestic weather forecast

 June 13: National weather forecast for the next three days

June 13: National weather forecast for the next three days

In the next three days, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan and Xinjiang will pay attention to the impact of continuous high temperature on human health, energy supply and agricultural production; Jiangnan, South China, Yungui and other places pay attention to the possible secondary disasters caused by continuous rainfall and local heavy rainfall and the harm of local severe convection weather; In North China, Northeast China and other places, there are still thunderstorms, strong winds, short-term heavy rainfall, hail and other severe convective weather. Pay attention to the impact on outdoor personnel, buildings, garden trees, aerial work, traffic, etc.

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About Xinjiang


Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, referred to as Xin for short, is located in the middle of the Eurasian continent and in the northwest border of China, with a total area of 1664900 square kilometers, accounting for one sixth of the total land area of the country [View details]

Urumqi Changji Shihezi Karamay Ili Tuscaloosa Bozhou Altay Turpan Hami Bazhou Aksu Tomsk Kashgar Hotan

Xinjiang Meteorological Bureau

 Introduction to Xinjiang Meteorological Administration

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Meteorological Bureau was established in 1954, with 10 internal institutions, 4 affiliated units, 12 directly affiliated institutions, 15 prefecture level city (prefecture) meteorological bureaus [View details]

Urumqi Changji Shihezi Karamay Ili Tuscaloosa Bozhou Altay Turpan Hami Bazhou Aksu Tomsk Kashgar Hotan

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