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Domestic weather forecast

 June 2: National weather forecast for the next three days

June 2: National weather forecast for the next three days

In the next three days, there will be strong rainfall processes in Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places. Pay attention to the secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging that may be caused by local heavy rainfall and continuous rainfall, especially Guangxi needs to pay attention to the disaster risk of rainfall superposition; The eastern part of northwest China, North China and other places pay attention to the impact of local severe convection weather on traffic and urban operation.

Major cities in China

Customized weather forecast in Guangdong

Weather ranking

ranking city Maximum temperature
Xu Wen 33.2°C
Leizhou 33.0°C
Lianjiang 32.7°C
Suixi 32.7°C
Xiashan Mountain 32.2°C
Chikan 32.2°C
Mahjong 32.2°C
Zhanjiang 32.2°C
Slope head 32.2°C
Maoming 32.1°C
Forecast released at 18:00 on June 2, 2024
ranking city Minimum temperature
Xiangqiao 21.0°C
Chaozhou 21.0°C
Haojiang River 21.0°C
South Australia 21.0°C
Rao Ping 21.0°C
Chaonan 21.0°C
Chaoyang 21.0°C
Chao'an 21.0°C
Chenghai 21.0°C
Pingyuan 21.8°C
Forecast released at 18:00 on June 2, 2024
ranking city Diurnal temperature difference
Leizhou 7.6°C
Lianjiang 7.3°C
Xu Wen 7.2°C
Suixi 7.2°C
Four meetings 7.0°C
Seal open 7.0°C
Deqing 7.0°C
Xiangqiao 7.0°C
Chao'an 7.0°C
Chaozhou 7.0°C
Forecast released at 18:00 on June 2, 2024

About Guangdong

Guangdong has a long history. 130000 years ago, "Qujiang Maba people" have been living here. According to legend, it was the place of Baiyue (Guangdong) in ancient times, so it was called Yue for short. The First Emperor of Qin unified China. In the 33rd year of the First Emperor (214 BC), Nanhai Prefecture was set up to govern Panyu (today's Guangzhou). Han belongs to Jiaozhou. The Three Kingdoms belong to Sun Wu. In the Tang Dynasty, Lingnan Road was established in today's Guangdong and Guangxi. It was renamed Guangnan Road in the fourth year of Song Chunhua (993). Guangdong Road was established in the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the Guangdong Road Propaganda and Comfort Department was set up, which was later changed to the Guangdong Administrative Department. Guangdong Province was set up in the Qing Dynasty, and has existed since then. Guangdong once had an opportunity to meet heroes in modern and contemporary Chinese history


Guangdong Meteorological Bureau

The Guangdong Provincial Meteorological Bureau (South China Regional Meteorological Center) is a department level organization, and its main responsibilities are: 1. To formulate local meteorological development plans and plans, and be responsible for the organization and implementation of meteorological development plans and plans and meteorological business construction within its administrative region; To be responsible for the examination of construction projects of important meteorological facilities in their respective administrative areas; To guide, supervise and administer meteorological activities in their respective administrative areas. 2. Examine and approve the adjustment plan of meteorological stations according to their responsibilities and authorities; To organize and administer the collection and distribution of meteorological observation data within their respective administrative areas

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