It is an indisputable fact that from economic development to personal life, the chain reaction caused by global climate change has more and more profound impact on social economy.

As an advocate and activist of global environmental and climate governance, China has always been committed to actively responding to climate change, taking the initiative to assume international responsibilities, and actively providing support and assistance to developing countries. During this year's NPC and CPPCC sessions, "climate change" was not only one of the hot topics of the first "committee channel", but also mentioned many times in the government work report: "actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", "actively participate in and promote global climate governance"

In the bills of deputies to the National People's Congress, in the proposals of CPPCC members, and in group discussions, "tackling climate change" is also a frequent word. In the context of global climate change, what are the specific concerns of NPC deputies and CPPCC members? What are the suggestions and countermeasures? The reporter of China Meteorological Daily combed.

Core support:

The rule of law cannot be absent in dealing with climate change

This year is the third time that Zhang Tianren, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tianneng Holding Group, has submitted proposals on accelerating the formulation of the law on climate change.

During the National Two Sessions in 2022, Zhang Tianren has submitted a proposal to start the legislative work on climate change as soon as possible. He called for the establishment of the "double carbon" goal as a national strategy in the form of law and the promotion of peak carbon neutrality by means of the rule of law. At the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2023, 60 NPC deputies including Zhang Tianren and Xu Yanbin jointly proposed a proposal on the formulation of a law on climate change and a law on carbon neutrality promotion, which was positively responded by the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee of the National People's Congress. This year, Zhang Tianren again proposed to improve the legal and regulatory system for controlling and reducing carbon emissions, and establish a carbon emission monitoring and control system.

On the morning of March 9, at the third plenary meeting of the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, Huang Zhen, vice chairman of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Progressive Movement, chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, and vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, speaking on behalf of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Progressive Movement, also said that at present, China has no special legislation to deal with climate change and promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal, It is necessary to accelerate the construction of China's carbon peaking and carbon neutralization legal and regulatory system. The DPP Central Committee also called for the promotion of relevant matters during the National Two Sessions last year.

In addition to deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members, many industry experts and scholars also believe that the legal support for tackling climate change should be continuously strengthened. Everyone said that China's climate change law should be a comprehensive law. While clarifying the relevant management systems and mechanisms, it should clarify the rights and responsibilities of all social parties in dealing with climate change, which means that the climate change law should not only highlight the system, but also take into account the forward-looking, declarative and operational nature of the law, At the same time, it is connected with relevant international laws and regulations.

At present, China has taken some actions: since May 1 this year, the first special regulation in the field of climate change in China, the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading, will be implemented, marking that China has taken an important step in strengthening the control of greenhouse gas emissions by means of rule of law, actively and steadily promoting carbon peak carbon neutrality, and promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development.

Key topics:

Strengthen early warning

Experience has proved that in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather and climate events, the most effective way for human society to save itself is early warning. The data shows that disaster losses can be reduced by 30% only by 24 hours early warning.

At this year's NPC and CPPCC sessions, a number of NPC deputies and CPPCC members in different fields mentioned the important role of early warning in preventing the impact of disasters from the perspective of different industries, and looked forward to more accurate forecasting and early warning and more refined point-to-point meteorological services in the future to help high-quality economic and social development.

Focusing on better coping with global climate change and participating in global climate governance, Zhang Xingying, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Department of Science, Technology and Climate Change of the China Meteorological Administration, pointed out that early warning can not only save lives, but also provide at least 10 times the return on investment. He said that as one of the first parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, China has shared its experience and practices in climate governance and response to the world for many times, built an Asian multi hazard early warning system, and continued to provide technical support and assistance for disaster early warning in Asia and countries and regions along the "Belt and Road".

Food security is "the biggest player in the country". In terms of helping stabilize China's job, Zhao Wanping, a deputy to the National People's Congress and vice president of Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told reporters that early warning plays an irreplaceable role in agricultural disaster prevention and reduction. Early knowledge and early response will minimize the impact of meteorological disasters. He suggested that in order to give full play to the early warning effectiveness, we should also strengthen the guidance to the grass-roots level. From the simple "information source" to the "last mile" of disaster prevention and mitigation, we need tracking services - point-to-point guidance for farmers to scientifically respond to disaster weather, and truly play the role of weather forecast and early warning in protecting agricultural production.

In view of the comprehensive prevention and control of geological disasters, Xu Qiang, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of Chengdu University of Technology, said that in recent years, there have been a number of geological disasters that have caused heavy casualties on construction sites. Through investigation, it is found that one of the causes of the accident is the imperfect monitoring and early warning mechanism. He pointed out that disastrous weather such as rainstorm is often the cause of geological disasters. During the flood season every year, special attention should be paid to the impact of disastrous weather such as rainstorm on areas with high incidence of geological disasters, improve the monitoring and early warning system for disaster prevention and mitigation on the construction site, strengthen the information sharing and linkage mechanism, obtain meteorological, geological and other information in a timely manner, and maximize the role of early warning.

Ning Ling, deputy to the National People's Congress, vice president of Guangdong Ocean University, and executive director of Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt Development Research Institute, is very concerned about the role of marine economy and meteorology. He said that "marine ranching" is vulnerable to typhoon, rainstorm, huge waves and other factors. It is necessary to strengthen meteorological services, especially early warning capacity building, further ensure that the whole industrial chain of modern "marine ranching" reduces losses and increases income, and build a modern "marine ranching" industrial cluster.

Important Grab:

Resilient city construction

This year's government work report clearly stated that "steadily implement the urban renewal action, promote the construction of public infrastructure and the transformation of urban villages for both emergency and peaceful purposes" and "build a livable, smart and resilient city". It has become the consensus of urban construction managers to enhance urban resilience and improve disaster risk response capacity.

As one of the first batch of sponge cities and climate adaptability pilot cities in China, Wuhan, Hubei Province, has explored a set of effective experience in grassroots governance of resilient cities in response to heavy rain, high temperature and other extreme weather and the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in the past few years. Kang Dezhi, a deputy to the National People's Congress and director of Wuhan Land Consolidation and Reserve Center in Hubei Province, said that building a resilient city requires both hard and soft measures.

Kang Dezhi said that soft power should be used as support. In the face of disasters, cities should be adaptable and have certain carrying capacity; Must have the ability to repair, be able to restore order from disasters as soon as possible; It is also necessary to have the ability to improve through reflection, evaluation and other optimization, and constantly improve the governance ability and construction level.

The hard power construction of a resilient city should be visible. Kang Dezhi suggested that an efficient transportation system should be established to ensure that materials can enter and leave quickly and people can evacuate quickly when disasters strike; Have sufficient energy security capacity; It is necessary to establish a disaster prevention and mitigation system, and to respond to different disasters with targeted plans; It is also necessary to establish an efficient smart government system and create an integrated disaster response chain.

Zhang Junkuan, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, brought the proposal of "Building Urban Resilience and Improving Risk Resistance" this year. He told reporters that "building a livable, resilient and smart city" should optimize the urban space planning and construction system and improve the resilience, resilience and expansion of urban space. Among them, cities should strengthen the geological, climate and other disaster prevention safety demonstration in the new area location, underground space utilization and other aspects, embed the concept of resilience into the overall urban development strategy, and promote the effective connection between community governance innovation, old residential reconstruction, smart community and sponge city construction and the construction of resilient cities.

Zhang Junkuan called for strengthening the construction of urban disaster identification, assessment and early warning capacity, improving the framework of "big security and big emergency", integrating the information and resources of all relevant departments, building a smart emergency command platform with data sharing and page friendly, matching and strengthening emergency rescue forces, and forming a joint force to prevent and respond to emergencies.

New path:

Based on new risks, plan for the development of the industry

At present, the adverse effects of climate change have emerged in many aspects of natural and social systems. More and more industries have also begun to add measures to deal with new risks in future planning.

For example, in the field of health, extreme weather and climate events such as high temperature, extreme cold, flood and waterlogging have caused multiple threats to people's health, especially the risk of heat stroke disease caused by high temperature and acute attack of disease induced by climate factors has risen sharply. How to deal with them has become a major focus.

"It is necessary to establish an inter ministerial coordination mechanism for responding to climate change health risks", "make overall arrangements for monitoring and early warning of climate change health risks", "strengthen research on adaptation of climate change and population health", "clarify the impact of extreme weather and climate events such as heat waves, floods and typhoons on population health"... During this year's two sessions of the National People's Congress, various suggestions have emerged frequently. In addition, some deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC pointed out that it is recommended to organize and implement national science popularization activities to improve the public's awareness of and ability to cope with the health risks of climate change.

"Energy" is one of the hot topics of the National Two Sessions. This year, many NPC deputies and CPPCC members began to think about the development path of the energy industry in the context of global climate change. In this regard, they have two focuses:

The first is to deal with the adverse impact of extreme weather and climate events on energy security. In this regard, they not only suggested that departments should unite, resources should be integrated, energy and meteorological disaster monitoring stations should be encrypted, and a joint consultation, forecasting and early warning mechanism should be established. They also believed that it is necessary to enhance the climate resilience of power grids, such as researching wire materials that are more resistant to high temperatures and less prone to ice accretion.

Second, green and low-carbon energy transformation and development. They believe that achieving high-quality development of new energy is a key link in building a beautiful China and improving the level of economic and social development. It is necessary to strengthen the layout and improve the energy technology innovation capability; Building a good industrial innovation ecology; Increase the power generation capacity of new energy and open up green power such as hydrogen power. In this process, the meteorological department will have great potential in the monitoring and evaluation of wind, solar and other resources, as well as fine forecasting of suitable power generation periods.

In terms of carbon sink technology, many deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members pointed out that in order to achieve the goal of "double carbon", in addition to making efforts at the supply side and the consumer side, it is also necessary to accelerate the construction of a national unified carbon sink trading platform, including forest, grassland, wetland, marine and other ecosystems, promote carbon sink trading pilot projects according to local conditions, and carry out artificial carbon sequestration, Do a good job in carbon capture and storage, soil carbon sequestration and other related policies and technology reserves. (Author: Ye Yihong and Zhang Juan)