Climate change has led to frequent and repeated global extreme weather events. "Climate change has intensified the restrictions and pressure on traditional energy, making wind, solar and other renewable energy and energy security widely concerned. Vigorously developing renewable energy is an important measure to deal with climate change." Zhang Tianren, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tianneng Holdings Group, introduced. At present, China has formed a "double carbon" and "1+N" policy system, implemented a sustainable development strategy, and highlighted the "Chinese power" to deal with climate change. However, there is still a lack of laws and regulations to control carbon emissions, and the legal system is not yet perfect. In this context, it is very urgent to achieve the goal of "double carbon" through legislative means.


This year, Zhang Tianren jointly submitted the proposal to accelerate the formulation of the Law on Climate Change for the third time, proposing to form a unified and coordinated carbon emission reduction legislative system with Chinese characteristics, promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality by means of the rule of law, and promote the high-quality development of low-carbon industries.

Zhang Tianren suggested linking the existing carbon emission reduction policies and strengthening the construction of the carbon market. With the establishment of carbon emission trading market as the starting point, we will comprehensively legislate carbon control and reduction as an important part of the legal system to scientifically address climate change and achieve the goal of "dual carbon".

He also suggested that the establishment of a high-level, cross cutting specialized agency to deal with climate change should cover a wide range of areas. At the same time, we will encourage low-carbon technology innovation and development, focus on cultivating and supporting scientific research talents in the field of low-carbon technology, and promote the application of more innovative achievements in the field of climate change by setting up special funds and providing tax incentives.

During the National Two Sessions in 2022, Zhang Tianren said that the time was ripe for the formulation of the Law on Climate Change. He should adhere to the five principles of risk prevention, coordination of development and response, equal emphasis on mitigation and adaptation, public participation and international cooperation, and start the legislative work on climate change as soon as possible to provide a strong legal basis and support for domestic carbon emission reduction activities. At the National Two Sessions in 2023, he again proposed to launch legislation on climate change to fill the gaps in special legislation in relevant fields. He expressed the hope that the meteorological department would actively participate in the formulation and promotion of the Law on Climate Change and provide professional advice and technical support.

It is reported that the legislative work to deal with climate change has been promoted, and it was included in the Work Points of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2022 at the beginning of 2022; On February 26 of this year, the Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the relevant information of the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading, which made it clear that China would implement the regulations from May 1. This will be the first special regulation in the field of climate change in China, which can provide valuable experience and reference for the formulation of comprehensive laws and accelerate the work related to the Law on Climate Change. (Author: Wang Chang)