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two thousand and twenty - 04 - twenty
explain: 1、 Applet application 1: Applet operation and voice replacement 1-1:. After the connection is successful, find the voice or music that needs to be replaced on the phone and click Play. When playing, the prompt will have a corresponding sound output. When the voice is played, a voice recording is completed. (Position operation as shown in the figure below). (2) Voice deletion: click "Voice management" on the main interface of the Bluetooth applet, and select to delete the last song or delete all songs. Deleting the last song is to delete the last voice every time you click. Click Delete All to delete all the voices at once. 1-2: (1) Trigger mode selection: support "infrared body induction trigger", "external input trigger" and "relay output control", and then click the lowest "setting synchronization". (2) Selection of playing mode: as shown in the table below, only one item can be selected for this mode. After selecting, click the lowest level "Set Synchronization".                                                                                               &#160...
two thousand and seventeen - ten - twenty
explain: Many people will ask: I tested the recognition effect of iFLYTEK very well. Why can't yours achieve this effect? The reason is very simple, because what you are testing is the online voice recognition module of iFLYTEK, while what we are testing is the offline voice recognition module. There is a gap between offline speech recognition and online speech recognition: l Offline speech recognition: fixed terms, no need to connect to the network, but the recognition rate is slightly lower l Online speech recognition: unfixed terms, need to connect to the network, and the recognition rate is high, but the effect will be affected by the network, There are two reasons for the gap due to the relatively high price: ① An important factor in speech recognition is the voice database, which is an online voice database for the data compared in the recognition process. The data stored in the cloud is very large; The offline voice database is local, and the space is limited, so the data samples compared are quite different. If the input voice is "on", then the recognition process will compare this voice with the voice samples in the voice database. The more data samples in the voice database, the higher the probability of successful matching, Therefore, the higher the recognition success rate is. ② The operation speed of online recognition is very fast. Compared with offline speech recognition, it is similar to the operation speed of CPU and the operation speed of chip. The level difference is relatively large. Therefore, the offline effect is not as good as online. Does that mean that offline has no value? No, every technology has its own value, but different technologies are applicable to different fields. The offline recognition effect is slightly poor, but in a close and relatively quiet environment, the recognition rate can reach more than 90%; For some products that are not connected to the network, such as mobile lighting, massager, etc., offline voice recognition is more suitable than online voice recognition. In terms of price, offline voice recognition applications can meet many occasions, and the price is cheaper than online voice recognition applications. The final product price of online voice recognition applications will also be relatively high, depending on the market positioning and selection of users' R&D products.
two thousand and seventeen - 09 - twenty-two
explain: Many voice chips have volume control, and some do not. The volume control of voice chip is generally divided into two types, one is hardware volume control, the other is software volume control. 1、 Hardware volume control: The volume control of voice chip is generally divided into 8 level volume control and 16 level volume control. But the voice chip generally has two audio output modes, one is PWM audio output, the other is DAC audio output. How does the hardware volume control of the voice chip control the volume of the two audio outputs? Generally, the output of volume is controlled by adjusting the current. Controlling PWM current can control the current intensity output to the horn, thus controlling the amplitude of the horn, thus controlling the volume we perceive. The audio output mode of DAC is also the form of control current, because most voice chips are current type DAC can control the base current of the external triode as long as the current of the DAC is controlled, so as to control the current intensity on the horn for the purpose of volume adjustment. 2、 Software volume control: Since software volume control cannot directly control the current on PWM and DAC, software volume control is generally used to directly adjust the value transmitted to the audio synthesizer to achieve the purpose of volume control. Therefore, the value transmitted to the audio synthesizer can be modulated as long as certain mathematical operations are carried out. In theory, the software volume control can be any number of stages. However, due to the influence of CPU computing power and the demand of practical applications, 16 level volume control is also generally done. Level 2 or level 4 volume control is also available if the computing power is limited. How to select voice chips for various industries? At present, 8-pin voice chips are mostly used in various industries. Because of their small size, convenient application and low price, there are many OTP chips, and all industries will give priority to this type. The 8-pin voice chip mainly refers to the voice chip whose soft package is eight pins and hard package is DIP8 or SOP8. The common 8-pin voice chips are WTH040 series, WTH080 series, WTN3 series, WTN4 series, WTN5 series, WTH040 series, WTH080 series... Different models can be selected for different chip industry applications. The packaging form of general voice integrated circuit is mostly dual in-line plastic packaging integrated circuit (DIP), commonly known as hard packaging circuit, which is divided into 8 pins, 14 pins, 16 pins, etc. according to the number of pins. The function of each pin is different. Usually many pins, integrated circuit chips
two thousand and seventeen - 07 - twenty-six
explain: At present, the voice chips and modules available in the market can be selected according to the length of time and functions. The following is some experience provided by Shenzhen Weichuang Zhiyin Electronics Co., Ltd. The company has been engaged in the voice IC industry for more than ten years since 1999. Based on its own experience, we hereby summarize the following Users of audio recording and playback chips can help. L In terms of time length: generally speaking, the time length of voice chip (default OTP: one-time) is 10~340 seconds. Basically focused on short seconds. It has clear sound, short time, low price, easy production, and unlimited order quantity, so it is a better choice for product testing. The price of 20 second chips on the market is about 2~3 yuan; About 4-5 yuan in 40 seconds; 170 seconds is about 9~10 yuan. In general, the manufacturer makes samples. When the user orders for service, the manufacturer burns the contents and gives them to the user. In this way, users can save some time. If the user's voice needs to be modified frequently, he can buy a set of programming (also called a burner, a downloader), learn how to make it himself, and then he can make it himself. The voice chip is mainly used in security access control, household appliances, medical equipment and other occasions. The structure of the voice module is about MCU+external memory, so its storage capacity is much larger than that of the chip, from 10 to 30 minutes. However, the price generally ranges from 20 to 80 yuan, several times that of the chip. The size is also larger than the chip, and the power consumption is slightly larger. L From the function point of view: the voice chip is disposable, with unlimited order quantity and fast delivery speed, but it also has a disadvantage: it cannot be burned repeatedly. Shenzhen Weichuang Zhiyin Electronics Co., Ltd. has produced some modules that can be rewritten repeatedly, such as WT588D series voice modules, Some of the WT2003S series voice modules can be replaced by a dedicated burner, some can be replaced by voice content directly through the USB port, and even can download content on the scene to update voice. These powerful functions effectively enrich the connotation of the voice module, increase its application field, and open up a new world. With the development of technology and the integration of products, voice chips have gradually replaced a variety of voice devices in various applications. The main characteristics of the voice chip are low power consumption, strong anti-interference ability, and peripheral
two thousand and thirteen - eleven - twenty-nine
explain: All types of voice chips and recording chips at the beginning of WT series are self branded products of Shenzhen Weichuang Zhiyin Electronics Co., Ltd. WT is the abbreviation of the English name WAYTRONIC of Weichuang Zhiyin Electronics. OTP voice chips include WTV series, WTH series, WTN3/4/5/6 series, and WT588D with FLASH. It can be realized depending on how long it takes you. You can burn multiple segments of voice to the corresponding address and call them through the MCU. There is also a recording IC that can support the storage of multiple recordings at the same time: WT2000/WTR030/WTR050 series recording chips are newly developed products of our company, which can achieve the recording function by using SPI memory attached to the recording chip. Its main characteristics are clear voice and long recording time. The longest recording time that WT series can provide is 16 hours. A notable feature is the flexible storage time. Customers can choose the corresponding external SPI FLASH capacity according to their own needs for recording and playing time. The master chip does not need to be changed. Compared with other recording chips or circuits, it has the advantages of long single recording time, flexible multi segment control, low cost and clear voice. Some WT series voice ICs have three modes: key control mode, key one-to-one control mode and three wire serial port control mode. It can be easily used in a variety of occasions, and is a highly cost-effective standardized recording and playing module. The control mode of WT series can only be set when the program is first written. Once set, it cannot be changed again, but the recording content can be erased at will
two thousand and thirteen - eleven - twenty-nine
explain: Introduction to MP3 decoding chip: (1) Music channel and timbre: envelope square wave Channel envelope: part of synthetic timbre, changes in note output per unit time, commonly known as "ADSR" square wave: part of synthetic timbre, changes in note square wave current per unit time. (See also triangle wave, etc.) Channel: the number of notes output by the chip at the same time, that is, the number of "single musicians". PCT: a kind of simulated voice, which simulates the pitch of each note by sampling 256 points of instrument sound. (Soft voice, small space, but not realistic) FULL WAVE: simulate the pitch of each note by collecting the sound of a musical instrument. (The sound of the instrument is real, but it takes up a large space, and the requirements for the sound quality of the collected voice are high) (2) Music compression: due to the huge amount of music data, it is necessary to effectively compress the music data, which can enable us to input more music content in the limited ROM space. There are several ways: music segmentation: intercept the repeatable parts of the music, and play back the content completely through arrangement and combination. Voice: The choice of Full wave, PCT and dual tone is determined according to the richness and demand of music. The space occupied by each voice is not understood, and the quality of voice is different.. Math compression: It is mainly used to compress the sampled voice (Full wave). This method is also lossy compression. It reduces the size of the collected voice by downsampling and processing the voice to be collected (voice modification of the same kind). (3) Common music format: MID format: MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), which was proposed in the early 1980s to solve the communication problem between electroacoustic instruments. MIDI transmits not sound signals, but notes, control parameters and other instructions. WAV format: (Introduction to voice IC class) The format of voice acquisition.
two thousand and thirteen - eleven - twenty-nine
explain: The development of voice chip The main characteristics of voice chip are low power consumption, strong anti-interference ability, few peripheral devices, simple control, long voice storage time (some voice chips can store content for 100 years), no loss of voice when power is off, and some chips can repeatedly erase voice content. Such as car reversing radar, bus stop annunciator, bank queuing machine, voice toys, anti-theft system and other equipment are equipped with voice chips. As there are many kinds of chips with different functions, engineers will have some hesitation in selecting voice chips. Therefore, engineers who are new to the voice industry will be provided with some reference for selecting voice chips. How to select the voice chip? 1. The selection of recording chip and playback chip The voice chip can be basically divided into recording voice chip and playback voice chip from the use function. When designing a product that uses voice chips, first consider whether to use live voice recording. If you need to record voice, use a voice chip with recording function; otherwise, use a voice chip with playback function only. Generally speaking, voice chips with recording function have the function of playing back voice, but when playing voice, the sound quality is not as good as that of a special voice chip. Therefore, when selecting voice chips, factors such as function and sound quality should be weighed, such as WT2000/WTR030/WTR050 series of recording ICs. Security systems, meeting recording systems, recording toys and other products are required to have recording functions, and the development of these types of products will use recording voice chips. There are many devices that only use the playback function, such as therapeutic apparatus, reversing radar, station annunciator, alarm, etc. This type of product does not need to record live voice, but can download the processed voice utilization tools to the voice chip for playing. The playback chip can be divided into OTP ROM, FLASH ROM, EEPROM and MASK according to the storage mode. 2. The selection of OTP ROM, FLASH ROM and EEPROM OTP (One Time Programable) refers to a one-time programmable voice chip. The voice can only be burned and written once. It is suitable for applications where there is no need to modify the voice and the voice length is short. The playback length can be divided into 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 40 seconds, 80 seconds, 170 seconds and 340 seconds. OTP voice chips are characterized by a single chip solution and low price, which are suitable for small and medium-sized batch production. Even small quantities of production, such as WTH series
two thousand and thirteen - eleven - twenty-nine
explain: Music chip is a relatively simple voice circuit. Common music chips include WT2003S voice chip, WT2000, WT2003 series voice chip. Music chips can generate various music signals through the internal oscillation circuit, and then connect a small amount of discrete components externally. Music chips are an important branch of voice integrated circuits, and are currently widely used in music cards, electronic toys, electronic clocks, electronic doorbells, household appliances and other occasions. The music chip consists of the following parts: logic control circuit, oscillator, address counter, note and beat memory (ROM), scale generator, and output driver. Its working principle is: the signal generated by the oscillation circuit is used by each circuit; The control circuit reads the code from the memory, controls the metronome and the tonal device to work in coordination according to the code, and produces the corresponding music output. Introduction to the types of music chips. There are many different types of music chips on the market. According to the characteristics of music output, we divide music circuits into the following categories: single, polyphonic, music with flashing lights, singing; They are mainly used in music players that are dead. For example, birthday card chips are single chips. The music chip can record or not record according to whether it is recordable. The recordable chip can record the human voice to the chip through the circuit, and then play it out through the circuit. For example, music toy boxes and phonographs are made of recordable chips. According to the packaging form, there are COB black paste soft packaging and triode packaging. Functional characteristics of music chip: music chip has various storage formats, fast production cycle, only one day, and no limit on the number of orders; A variety of flexible key operation modes and level output modes of the music chip can be selected (edge key trigger, level trigger, random key play, sequential key play); The music chip adopts a simple and convenient two wire MCU serial port control mode, and the user's master MCU can control the trigger and stop of any voice segment; Music chip has beautiful sound quality, stable performance, good quality and low price;
two thousand and thirteen - eleven - twenty-nine
explain: What are the eight pin voice chips? How to select 8-pin voice chip? The 8-pin voice chip mainly refers to the voice chip with eight pins in soft package and DIP8 or SOP8 in hard package. The common 8-pin voice chips are WTH040, WTH080, WTN3, WT5, WTN4, WTN6 series... Different models can be selected for different chip industry applications. The packaging form of general voice integrated circuit is mostly dual in-line plastic packaging integrated circuit (DIP), commonly known as hard packaging circuit, which is divided into 8 pins, 14 pins, 16 pins, etc. according to the number of pins. The function of each pin is different. Usually, there are many pins. The larger the integrated circuit chip is, the stronger the circuit function is, and the price is higher than that of the eight pin voice chip. The eight pin voice chip is also a small voice IC, which occupies less space. The commonly used 8-pin voice IC has many uses. At present, many industries prefer 8-pin voice chips. What are the commonly used voice chips in the industry? What are the uses of WTN3 and the selection of voice chips? In addition to the pins, you should also consider the price, voice length, etc. The following is a detailed explanation of WTN3. For more information, please consult our online engineers. In terms of chip application scope, WTN3 voice chip can cover almost all places that need low cost but do not change voice. Applications include cars (anti-theft alarm, reversing radar, GPS navigator, electronic dog, central locking); Smart home system, alarm clock and reminder; Special alarm, household anti-theft alarm; Medical device voice prompt and therapeutic apparatus; Home appliances (induction cooker, rice cooker, microwave oven); Entertainment equipment (game machine, amusement machine); Learning model (early education machine, children's audiobooks); Intelligent transportation equipment (toll station, parking lot); Communication equipment (telephone exchange, telephone set); Industrial control field (elevator, industrial equipment) children's toys. In fact, in addition to the 8 pin package, the voice IC also has 16 pin, 18 pin (DIP18), 20 pin (SSOP20), 32 pin (LQFP32), 48 pin voice chips. For example, the WT588D voice chip has 18 pin, 20 pin, 32 pin voice chips; The WT5001 mentioned above has 48 pins, etc. Generally, the engineer decides how many pins to purchase for voice IC.
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