What are the conditions for Gansu to apply for the social work permit in 2023_ CUHK Online School

What are the conditions for Gansu to apply for the social work permit in 2023?

Published on: March 6, 2023 18:14:13 Source: Internet Click to follow WeChat: Follow WeChat of CUHK Online School
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Gansu Conditions for applying for social work permit in 2023 What is it like?

The conditions for applying for the examination of social workers in Gansu Province are not expected to change. The conditions and requirements for applying for the examination of social workers in Gansu Province in 2023 are as follows:

Gansu Conditions for registration for the examination of junior high school social workers

Those who meet the requirements of the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Interim Provisions on the Evaluation of the Professional Level of Social Workers and the Measures for the Implementation of the Examination of the Professional Level of Assistant Social Workers and Social Workers (Guo Ren Bu Fa [2006] No. 71) issued by the former Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Civil Affairs can apply for the examination of the professional level of assistant social workers and social workers.

Those who meet the requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Measures for Senior Social Workers (RSBG [2018] No. 2) can apply for the professional level examination for senior social workers.

Conditions for application for the examination of assistant social workers

1. Have obtained a high school or technical secondary school education, and have been engaged in social work for at least 4 years;

2. Obtain a college degree in social work and have been engaged in social work for at least 2 years;

3. Graduates of social work majors (including those who have obtained bachelor's degree or above in social work);

4. Have obtained a college degree in other majors and have been engaged in social work for at least 4 years;

5. Bachelor degree or above in other majors, and have been engaged in social work for at least 2 years.

major Degree Years of service
/ High school or technical secondary school 4 years
Social Work junior college 2 years
undergraduate Freshmen
Other majors junior college 4 years
undergraduate 2 years

Conditions for registration of social worker examination:

1. Have been engaged in social work for at least 6 years after obtaining a high school or technical secondary school degree and the professional level certificate of assistant social worker;

2. Have obtained a college degree or above in social work, and have been engaged in social work for at least 4 years;

3. Obtain a bachelor's degree in social work and have been engaged in social work for at least 3 years;

4. Obtained a master's degree in social work and has been engaged in social work for at least one year;

5. Obtained a doctor's degree in social work;

6. If he has obtained college degree or above in other specialties, his social work experience will be increased by 2 years.

major Degree Years of service

High school or technical secondary school
After obtaining the certificate of assistant social worker

6 years
Social Work junior college 4 years
undergraduate 3 years
master 1 year
doctor /
Other majors junior college 6 years
undergraduate 5 years
master 3 years
doctor 2 years

Senior social worker:

Those who apply for the examination of senior social workers should also meet the following conditions:

1. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the national constitution, laws and regulations, love social work, and have good professional ethics;

2. Bachelor degree or above (or bachelor degree or above);

3. After obtaining the qualification of social work teacher (intermediate) through the National Social Workers Professional Level Examination, he has been engaged in social work for 5 years or more, and the deadline is the end of the year in which he applied for the examination.

requirement Degree Years of service
After passing the intermediate social worker certificate undergraduate 5 years of social work

Interpretation of the Conditions for Social Worker Examination Registration

"Undergraduate graduates of social work major" in the application conditions for the examination of assistant social workers is interpreted as "undergraduate graduates of social work major and those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in social work major"; The deadline for calculating professional working years is December 31 of the year in which the examination is conducted; Those who apply for the examination with academic qualifications or degree certificates of institutions of higher learning in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or abroad must be certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education; Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents who meet the registration conditions can apply for taking the Social Workers' Professional Level Examination.

Those who hold Level II low vision (or more serious than Level II) disability certificate issued by China Disabled Persons' Federation can apply for taking the exam with the help of screen reading software. Persons with visual impairment who apply for the examination must apply to the personnel examination institution in the place where they apply for the examination to use the special examination room. Local personnel examination institutions shall timely summarize and report such applications to the Autonomous Region Examination Center.

Interpretation of the conditions for applying for the social worker examination>>

Editor's recommendation:

Application Guide for 2023 Social Worker Examination

Do you meet the requirements for social worker examination registration?

(Editor in charge: editor of CUHK)

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