2022 Sichuan social work teacher examination permit printing official website: China Personnel Examination Website _ CUHK Online School

2022 Sichuan social work teacher examination permit printing official website: China Personnel Examination Website

Published on: 2022/6/9 10:44:15 Source: Internet Click to follow WeChat: Follow WeChat of CUHK Online School
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Official website of Sichuan social work teacher examination permit printing in 2022 : China Personnel Examination Network

according to Sichuan 2022 Social Worker Examination Registration Notice 2022 Sichuan Social Worker Examination The registration card is printed from June 13 to June 17

However, on June 8, 2022, Sichuan Province has already appeared in the printing list of China Personnel Examination Network's admission card Please also log in to the China Personnel Examination Website to print your admission card in time.

The printing website of Sichuan Social Work Teacher's Admission Certificate is China Personnel Examination Website( http://www.cpta.com.cn/ ), examinees can click the following picture to enter Entrance to the 2022 Social Worker Examination Admission Card Printing>>

Printing time of admission card

Print the admission card on China Personnel Examination Website. Candidates should carefully check the name, ID card number and other personal identity information on the admission card. If any error is found, they must register and modify it at the personnel examination institution where the registration point is located during the printing period (working hours) of the admission card, otherwise they cannot take the exam.

Examination Instructions

(1) The stationery carried by the examinee during the examination is limited to black ink pens, 2B pencils, erasers, and electronic calculators are not allowed. Draft paper is available in the examination room for the examiners to use and will be taken back after the examination.

(2) During the examination, the examinee shall enter the examination room with his/her own admission card and ID card (including second-generation ID card, social security card<including photos>, military officer card, Hong Kong and Macao ID card, Taiwan residents' mainland travel pass, overseas passport, excluding expired ID card, first generation ID card, photocopy of ID card and other certificates and certificates), take a seat according to the number, and put the admission card The ID card is on the test table. Those with incomplete certificates are not allowed to enter the examination room. If the information of the examinee, his/her ID card, examination permit is inconsistent with that of the Candidate Registration Book, and if the subject and level of the application are wrong, he/she shall not enter the examination room.

(3) Candidates should protect their answers in the exam, prevent others from plagiarizing, and establish a sense of self-protection and integrity reference. After the examination, if the examination papers are identified as the same ones by technical means, the examination results will be invalid.

(4) The examinees must strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the examination. If there are any violations, they will be dealt with in strict accordance with the Regulations on the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Violations in the Qualification Examination of Professional and Technical Personnel (Order No. 31 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security). If a crime is suspected, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law.

(5) "Social Work Practice (Intermediate)" and "Social Work Practice (Advanced)" are subjective subjects. Before starting the exam, invigilators must remind the examinees that "they must carefully read the precautions for the examinees (the second cover of the test paper) and the instructions for answering questions (the first page of the special answer card) before answering questions, and use the prescribed answering tools to answer questions in the area designated by the special answer card".

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