Remar national hotline: 400-638-0969
 Guangdong Ruima Thermal Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Unit
High tech enterprises

 Wall mounted furnace joining

Contact Remar wall mounted furnace

 Contact Remar wall mounted furnace

Guangdong Ruima Thermal Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd

National hotline: 400-638-0969

After-Sale Service Hotline: 400-606-9003

Switchboard: 0757-63267222

Fax: 0760-63970222


Address: Xingye Road, Nantou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province

 Ruima Xinjiang dealer Ms. Tang: grasp business opportunities and develop potential
Ruima Xinjiang dealer Ms. Tang: grasp business opportunities and develop potential
For dealers, choosing a right business project will lead to success. As many dealers in the wall hanging furnace industry, it is undoubtedly happy. The wall hanging furnace industry belongs to a sunrise industry with a very broad development prospect. Recently, Ms. Tang, a Xinjiang dealer of Guangdong Ruima Thermal Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., not only attended the eighth anniversary conference of Ruima, discussed "national affairs" with enterprises, but also won the "potential star award" for Ruima dealers.
 Ms. Wang, the dealer of Ruima wall mounted stove: there is no off-season in the brand market
Ms. Wang, the dealer of Ruima wall mounted stove: there is no off-season in the brand market
The market of gas wall mounted stoves is expanding and the demand continues to rise. This kind of heating equipment with the characteristics of independent heating, energy saving, intelligent temperature control, fashion and refinement has become the best choice for winter heating in high-end families. As the market scale increases, not only are there more and more franchised enterprises, but also the number of franchised dealers is growing exponentially. The Qinghai dealer lady, the winner of the special award of the general manager of Guangdong Ruima Thermal Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., said to the author, "As a dealer, you should always understand that there is no off-season market, only off-season thinking. Managing wall mounted furnace products is a knowledge and a cause worth doing."
 Warmly congratulate Mr. Maimaiti on joining Remar wall mounted furnace and creating considerable profits
Warmly congratulate Mr. Maimaiti on joining Remar wall mounted furnace and creating considerable profits
The purpose of Ruima wall hanging stove is mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. Therefore, we firmly believe that Mr. Maimaiti will create more considerable benefits!
 Warmly congratulate Hunan Changde partner for joining Remar gas wall mounted furnace
Warmly congratulate Hunan Changde partner for joining Remar gas wall mounted furnace
On March 10, 2016, President Wang of Changde City, Hunan Province was warmly congratulated on his official joining Guangdong Ruima and becoming a partner of Guangdong Ruima gas wall mounted furnace. The successful signing of Hunan Changde will be another milestone for Ruima gas wall mounted furnace in Hunan market!
 Baoji Ruima wall mounted stove dealers: win-win situation between enterprises and dealers
Baoji Ruima wall mounted stove dealers: win-win situation between enterprises and dealers
The modern society is a diversified era, with a great variety of products. As an operator, choosing competitive products can win more consumers. As a new generation of heating equipment, the industry has developed rapidly, and hundreds of large and small enterprises have emerged. It is really difficult for dealers to choose one from them. However, Mr. Liu, the distributor of Guangdong Ruima Thermal Energy Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Baoji, has achieved great success in selling wall mounted stoves.