Remar national hotline: 400-638-0969
 Guangdong Ruima Thermal Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Guangdong Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Unit
High tech enterprises

Adhere to the promotion of clean and environmental protection industry, firmly fight the blue sky defense war, and vigorously promote "Coal to gas" and "coal to electricity" , follow the trend and take the lead in the market!

Grasp the new trend of the industry, and the Ruima wall hanging stove project will help you to get rich!
  • Home demand

    With the continuous improvement of people's pursuit of home life, comfortable/smart wall hung stove products have become a must in people's homes. Remar wall hung stove opens a new era of comfort and energy saving for you!

  • Promotion policy

    The Coal Consumption Control System, Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Bulk Coal, Coal to Gas and other policies have been implemented in a large area, comprehensively accelerating the elimination of coal-fired boilers, vigorously promoting the clean heating of wall hung boilers in winter, and firmly fighting the blue sky defense war!

  • Huge potential

    The market and consumer awareness of wall hung stoves are increasing year by year, and the market scale of wall hung stoves is expanding year by year; As a supporting part for fine decoration, the matching rate of wall mounted furnace continues to grow.

The market share continues to expand and the sales channels expand rapidly

We look forward to your joining us!

 New energy-saving gas wall mounted furnace, new high-end technology

 Wall mounted gas boiler

Ruima has electric wall hanging furnace, gas wall hanging furnace, condensing wall hanging furnace, fully premixed condensing gas module furnace, etc., with low nitrogen compound emission<27mg/m3, which can fully meet the requirements of small and large heating+domestic hot water projects, such as units, schools, commercial residential areas, villas, apartments, hotels, guest houses, office buildings, etc., free design+free quotation

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Carefully build the brand of home heating and hot water center Provide home heating solutions

 Click Online Consulting Scheme  Click Online Consulting Scheme

 Ruima won the top ten brands of wall mounted furnace

 Head of Ruima Zhang

The failure of business is not terrible. The important thing is to choose the right industry when starting again. The wall mounted furnace of Ruima has made me easily embark on the road of becoming rich

President Zhang of Xinjiang - self described the successful transformation road of Ruima wall hanging stove
 Head of Ruima Geng

Women must be economically independent. I chose the Ruima wall mounted stove to start my business, which brought me wealth and honor

President Geng of Hebei, an independent woman in the new era, joined hands with Ruima to create wealth

 Which brand of gas wall mounted furnace is better? Rima wall mounted furnace allows you to join without worry

one Brand Support Brand support

The good reputation of VOOMA wall mounted furnace in the world and at home can provide good market opportunities for franchisees Brand support

two Product Support Product Support

All products of VOOMA Remar adopt European technology according to European standard design For high-end market development, more than 20KW to 240KW product series are available for consumers Free choice

 Activity site of wall mounted furnace franchisee

three Opening Support Opening and operation support

Provide sales accessories required by the experience store , such as uniform for shop assistants, brochures, posters, etc. Support for promotional activities on holidays, unified store image, deployment of exhibition personnel and local market analysis

four Train Training support

Dispatched by the company Professional trainers Provide franchisees with training on image maintenance of experience stores, sales skills of shopping guides, daily store management and after-sales installation services.

five Promotional support Marketing and planning support

Establish a sales and marketing network platform, improve the competitiveness of "VOOMA Remar" brand in the Internet with its peers, and fully implement network marketing , create a good brand image of "VOOMA Remar" and products, promote the popularity of brands and products offline, and arrange experienced marketing experts Field training On site guidance and planning of opening activities, training of promotion skills, and community promotion planning.

  •  CCTV vigorously publicizes Ruima wall mounted furnace
  •  Site of Rima wall mounted furnace franchisee conference
  •  Send off the car immediately after joining the wall mounted furnace
  •  Vigorously promote Ruima wall mounted furnace high-speed railway station

Ruima national investment hotline: 400-638-0969 Joining process of wall mounted furnace

Low entrepreneurial cost

  • 1. Browse the official website to get a preliminary understanding of the application of the company, products and equipment franchisees
  • 2. Have a dialogue with the consulting customer service to further understand
  • 3. The business manager calls in person and sends relevant details for reference
  • 4. Visit the factory, discuss cooperation and sign a formal franchise contract

Franchise guarantee

  • 5. Receive professional technical training on wall mounted furnace for 3-5 days
  • 6. Negotiate and formulate shop decoration plan, provide decoration drawings and commodity display
  • 7. The regional market manager assisted in the opening promotion activities and officially opened the store successfully.
 Ruima Xinjiang dealer Ms. Tang: grasp business opportunities and develop potential

Ruima Xinjiang dealer Ms. Tang: grasp business opportunities and develop potential

For dealers, choosing a right business project will lead to success. Do

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 Ms. Wang, the dealer of Ruima wall mounted stove: there is no off-season in the brand market

Ms. Wang, the dealer of Ruima wall mounted stove: there is no off-season in the brand market

The gas wall mounted furnace market continues to expand, the demand continues to rise, this kind of heating independent, heating festival

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 Warmly congratulate Mr. Maimaiti on joining Remar wall mounted furnace and creating considerable profits

Warmly congratulate Mr. Maimaiti on joining Remar wall mounted furnace and creating considerable profits

The purpose of Ruima wall hanging stove is mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. Therefore, we firmly believe that

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 Warmly congratulate Hunan Changde partner for joining Remar gas wall mounted furnace

Warmly congratulate Hunan Changde partner for joining Remar gas wall mounted furnace

On March 10, 2016, President Wang of Changde City, Hunan Province was warmly congratulated on his official joining in Guangdong

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Guangdong Ruima Thermal Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional high-tech enterprise with international technical background and R&D strength. It is dedicated to introducing international cutting-edge technology into the low-carbon and environment-friendly wall mounted furnace heating industry. Over the years, in line with the purpose of "customer first", we have designed and provided personalized heating solutions for the different needs of the masses. [View details]

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