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Ultrasonic weather station > news information > common problem >Vocs monitoring and governance have great potential to create new industries

Vocs monitoring and governance have great potential to create new industries

Edit: Ultrasonic weather station Published: 2023-07-25

In recent years, the country has paid more and more attention to environmental protection. The State Council has also officially issued the Three Year Action Plan for Winning the Battle of Blue Sky (referred to as the Action Plan), which clarifies the overall idea, basic objectives, main tasks and safeguard measures of air pollution prevention and control, and puts forward the timetable and roadmap for winning the battle of blue sky.

 Vocs monitoring

Weifang Environmental Protection Bureau is revising the emergency plan for heavy pollution weather; The preparation of air pollutant source emission inventory and source analysis were carried out, and three acceptor sampling were completed in winter, spring and summer, and the interim report was completed; Strictly implement emergency emission reduction measures for heavy pollution; The Notice on Accelerating the Construction of Air Quality Automatic Monitoring Stations in Towns, Streets and Parks was issued.

After 10 years of treatment, the air pollution prevention and control work in China has achieved initial results, and the annual average concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, PM2.5, PM10 and other major pollutants have gradually decreased. However, regional combined pollution problems such as haze and photochemical smog characterized by PM2.5 and ozone (O3) are prominent, in which VOCs, as key precursors of ozone and secondary organic aerosol pollution, play an important role.

VOCs control has become a major constraint in air pollution control in China, and has attracted much attention. It is understood that China's emphasis on VOCs governance began at the end of the 11th Five Year Plan. Various laws, administrative regulations and technical policies began to be improved during the 12th Five Year Plan period, and top-level design started to increase.

There has been continuous improvement in policy. VOCs governance has become one of the key tasks for many enterprises to improve their standards. Analysts pointed out that the favorable policy will greatly promote the market blowout of VOCs governance, VOCs monitoring, third-party services, etc., and the market space for VOCs governance is expected to greatly exceed the market size of traditional air pollutant governance.

It is predicted that by 2020, the scale of VOCs prevention and control related market in China can reach 140~150 billion yuan. Another data shows that by the end of the 13th Five Year Plan, China's VOCs emissions from industrial sources will be 4.3 million tons less than that in 2009, which is expected to bring 173 billion to 181 billion yuan of market space.

In the future, the VOCs governance market will focus on two major parts: petrochemical, packaging and printing parks and monitoring equipment investment of key VOCs regulatory enterprises; Investment in VOCs recovery and end of pipe treatment carried out by key enterprises or entrusted third parties. Once the space for source governance is opened, the scale of VOCs governance is expected to be significantly expanded, with no less than 300 billion yuan in the next five years.