Scale Scrum Framework Tools

Maximize Scrum project efficiency through the process canvas designed for large projects.

Save project artifacts on Scrum canvas

The large-scale Scrum Canvas is a Scrum tool designed for each Scrum team. Plan, track, and manage Scrum projects through an intuitive canvas. Whether your software project only involves a single team or multiple teams around the world, the large-scale Scrum canvas connects you.

"Hot spots" of various project information

You do not need to jump to different pages to browse various project data, because all content has been placed on the same page. You can edit/browse the content you are interested in by clicking the work item.

Plan and track Scrum activity processes, roles, and artifacts

The large-scale Scrum canvas is specially designed for each Scrum team to manage project artifacts (such as to-do lists, stakeholder lists, and obstacles), record events (such as Sprint Planning 1 and 2, Sprint Review and Review), and track progress.

Suitable for agile projects of various scales

The large-scale Scrum canvas contains two levels - Sprint and Team. You can easily switch between Sprints to view current and historical Sprint data (such as Sprint pending issues), or between teams to view pending issues assigned to them and learn more about their progress.

User story map

Add and manage user stories in the user story map. Easily rearrange stories by dragging and dropping. Open the user story to view its details, including acceptance criteria, confirmation items, wireframes, etc.

Rich user stories to help you better plan


Make a list of acceptance criteria for user stories. Confirm one by one in Sprint audit.

 User story acceptance criteria

Convenient product to-do list

It gives you a complete list of all the to-do items in the project. No matter how big your to-do list is, you can find the items you need by searching and sorting.

Scrum report generation

As the project progresses, various Agile Scrum reports will be automatically generated. These reports provide your team with important information related to the Scrum process, making communication more effective. You can also edit the report by dragging and dropping through the document designer.

Built in task management platform

One stop agile solutions provide seamless integration between backlog and task management. You can create tasks, report and monitor progress in one place.
 Integration with task management tool

One software for multiple purposes

Use UML, BPMN, ERD, DFD, UX (wireframe, prototype design), code engineering, ORM, mind map, etc. to inject power into your Scrum project.
 Single software, multiple purposes.

LeSS (large-scale Scrum) Is a trademark of The LeSS Company B.V.

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