Impact diagram tool

Create impact diagrams for decision analysis

Easily create impact maps

Impact chart is a decision-making analysis tool, which provides a graphical way to present the key elements involved in decision-making, including decision-making, uncertainty, value, etc. Visual Paradigm provides you with an intuitive influence diagram editor, which helps you draw influence diagrams quickly and easily through a series of editing functions such as drag and drop, alignment guide, and so on. You can also use various influence diagram symbols and connectors to create any type of influence diagram.

 Influence diagram software
 Simple editing Influence Diagram

Intuitive chart editor

Use advanced functions such as mouse drag and drop and aligning rails to draw influence diagrams and accurately align shapes. Our influence diagram editor makes editing fast and simple.

 Easy collaboration


Put your work on our cloud workspace. You and your colleagues can access the design anytime, anywhere.

 Multiple output formats for Influence Diagram

Easy to share

You can export influence diagrams to a series of output formats, such as PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF) and PDF, which makes sharing and communication easier and more efficient.

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