Project vocabulary management tool

Manage project keywords in the glossary so that team members can understand these words in the same way.

 Define project vocabulary with Glossary Grid

Keep project/domain keywords in vocabulary

Establish project related vocabulary for users and developers Very important.

This is not only to achieve effective communication, but also to ensure that the system can be constructed according to the user's expectations, so as to prevent the use of wrong words or even the development of wrong functions in the interface.

The glossary is ready to collect and define important terms in the project.

Identifying vocabulary from multiple ways

In addition to manually adding domain words to the vocabulary, you can also directly from the model extract Vocabulary While reading the shape description, right-click any keyword to add it to the glossary. You can apply this method from the shape name User story scenario , 3C's (card, confirmation, conversation) and Text analysis tools Problem statements in identify vocabulary.

 Extract important terms from element description
 Define project vocabulary with Glossary Grid

Clearly define vocabulary

The definition of a term is not only a text description, but also includes its alias (synonym) and any user-defined attributes that may be related to the term. Glossary lets you define terms in detail by specifying aliases, tag values, and attributes.

Automatically highlight words in shape names/descriptions

After creating the vocabulary, we will highlight the words used in shape names and descriptions for you. You can click any highlighted term to read its definition.

 Extract important terms from element description

Extract any model through vocabulary

Different diagrams correspond to different views of the system, which can be combined to form a complete picture of the system. Any particular element of one diagram can be linked or evolved from elements in another diagram. Visual Paradigm provides a gateway for identifying and connecting existing elements. To do this, extract the vocabulary from the name or description of the element. When you do this, you have the option to create model elements using the identified vocabulary. The created elements will be placed in the chart pending items pane for use in the chart.

 Extract important terms from element description

Export vocabulary to Excel

Export the glossary to Excel as a document for communicating with colleagues or stakeholders.

Use vocabulary when naming shapes

When naming shapes, press Ctrl Spacebar, and then select the desired vocabulary from the pop-up list, which is convenient and simple.

Create beauty and grow together

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