Process Mapping Made Easy

Process mapping captures flow of activates in visual form. Process mapping produces a process map ( Business Process Diagram ) for stakeholders to understand how an organization can operate to achieve specific business goal. The result process map can be used in generating ideas for process improvement. Visual Paradigm is a process mapping tool that implemented BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard. There are just a few steps away from designing your process map.

  1. Step 1 - Get Visual Paradigm started

    Download , extract and fire up Visual Paradigm.

  2. Step 2 - Draw the start event

    Create a new business process diagram. Begin by drawing a start event. You may need to draw a pool as well if you want to visualize the participant of process.

  3. Step 3 - Draw the workflow

    Drag and drop the Resource Catalog icon to create a sequence of process activities and gateway.

  4. Step 4 - Finish the workflow

    Finish the process map with an end-event.

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