Analysis Canvas Tool

Capture, organize and present ideas with analysis canvas

Brainstorm and Structure Ideas with Analysis Canvas

If you want a way to capture and organize your ideas, then an analysis canvas is a useful, quick and easy way to do so. Categorize your ideas by splitting a canvas into multiple partitions. Add memo and sticky notes into the partitions to describe your ideas. Publish the canvas online and share it with your co-workers, partners and friends. Visual Paradigm provides a convenient Analysis Canvas tool that helps you achieve all these.

 Analysis Canvas Software

Customize your own canvas with ease

To create analysis canvas in Visual Paradigm is very easy. Just start from a pre-defined template or from scratch. No matter which option you choose, you can always customize the partitioning, content and appearance with simple steps.

Simple partitioning

Structure your ideas into different partitions. To create a partition is simple. Simply split a cell horizontally or vertically through popup menu, and then adjust the cell size by dragging the splitter.

Represents ideas with sticky notes and memos

Jot your thoughts and ideas down onto the canvas as they develop and grow, using sticky notes and memos. A rich collection of notes and memos is provided. They have different looks and colors that serve and fit different needs and preferences.

Multiple templates that fit different purposes

We have prepared hundred of analysis canvas templates for different use cases, like a business model canvas, a strategic canvas, or a product development canvas. These templates are bases that come pre-filled with a relevant layout and sample content, serving as good starting points for building your own canvas. To get start, check out a template or two for inspiration, or just modify them to suit your own needs.

  Enterprise Professional Standard Modeler Community
Business Model Canvas tool
Basic sticky notes
Analysis Canvas tool
All sticky notes and memos
Customize your own canvas

Turn every software project into a successful one.

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