Import and export

Various import and output functions are used to exchange model data.

 Export as image (JPG/PNG/SVG/EMF)

Export as image (JPG/PNG/SVG/EMF)

Export the chart into an image file for sharing with colleagues and stakeholders. We support image formats such as JPG, PNG, SVG, TIFF and EMF.

Cut the chart to the desired size

You can export the chart into multiple image files for printing and reading. With this function, you can decompose a large image into multiple parts to accommodate documents of different sizes.

 Cut the chart to the desired size

Export to PDF

Export the chart as a PDF file, which contains a scalable vector chart.

Export to XML

XML helps information systems share data. You can export a project or some charts in a project to XML and then import them into another project.

Copy Shape as J PG/EMF

Select shapes in the chart and copy them as JPG or EMF. Immediate copy to an external document editor such as MS Word.

Powerful chart printing function supports multiple printing settings, such as header, footer, margin, layout, zoom, etc.

Export individual charts as separate projects

Export the selected chart to a new Visual Paradigm project file and make external modifications.

Import Project

Import external project content into the current project through the project import function.

Export and import Excel

Use Excel to perform batch editing of project data. Export chart and model elements as ex cel, edit their names and attributes, and then import changes back to the visual example.

Export and import XMI

Export the model to OMG XML Metadata Exchange (xmi) format. Import is also supported.

Export and import UML2

Export the model to Eclipse UML2 XML format. Import is also supported.

Import Visio Drawing

Continue process design by importing Visio drawings (. vdx).

Import Visio Template

Use Visio templates by importing Visio templates.

Import Rational Rose

Model the system by importing old designs from Rational Rose (. mdl).

Import Rational DNX

Software design is performed by importing old designs from Rational DNX (. dnx).

Import Rational System Architect

Continue the process design by importing the original design from Rational System Architect (. xml).

Import Rational Rhapsody

Software design is performed by importing old designs from Rational Rhapsody (. rpy).

Import NetBeans 6. x UML

Software design is carried out by importing the old design from NetBeans 6. x UML.

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