Suzhou Yinghao Education

Suzhou Yinghao Education
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Shanghai professional art training, teaching you to grasp the details and features of figure painting

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Start time: Rolling shift

Course price: Negotiate in person

Teaching area: Suzhou, Jiangsu

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Teaching school: Suzhou Yinghao Education

Teaching address: You can choose from multiple campuses nationwide. Welcome to inquire

Last updated: 2024-09-25

Followed: 420 persons

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Course Introduction
This course is an art training course, which is mainly suitable for students with zero foundation. The course has about 120 class hours and uses professional art training materials. At this stage, it mainly trains students to master basic sketch and watercolor techniques, so as to help them successfully pass the preliminary art exam.
Primary Art Examination Certificate Package Class
Course Details
Admission conditions: start learning from zero foundation. After that, it can achieve the effect of preliminary art sketch and gouache
Course hours: 120 hours
Teaching materials: art teaching materials, actual painting tools, on-site classes
Certificate available: Primary Certificate of Fine Arts
Learning cycle: 1.5 months for weekday classes; 2.5 months at night or on weekends
Course outline
Part I
Introduce the concept of sketch, sketch tools, selection of pencils, precautions for using rubber, painting posture, writing method, and correct wiring method.
Part II
Learn basic perspective methods: geometric perspective, parallel perspective and angular perspective, air perspective, and overall composition.
Part III
Know the light and shade in sketch: such as three sides, five tones, picture composition: body combination and picture cutting, angle determination and space sequence.
Part IV
Drawing of geometry: composition, finding the intersection line between light and shade, applying light and shade, and overall adjustment.
Part V
Draw composite plaster geometry.
Part VI
Understand the characteristics of gouache painting, the choice of tools and materials, and the classification of colors, such as three primary colors, three intermediate colors, multiple colors, and color matching.
Part VII
Color relationship factors: solid color, light source color, environment color, feeling color, drawing single fruit.
The painting method and precautions of gouache, such as paying attention to the overall composition, color matching, clear hierarchy, etc.
Part IX

Performance skills of transparent vessels.

For more details of course content, please consult Mr. Chen,
Tel.: 13761176062 (WeChat same number) QQ: 1337875063

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