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Nanyang Biological Physiotherapy Training School of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Course name: Where is the health care specialist of Nanyang University
Brand: Training of TCM health care practitioners
Course tuition: telecommunication
Class time: Learn on arrival
Expiry date: Long term effective
Last updated: 2024-06-30
Browse registration: 750 people
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Where are the Chinese medicine health care practitioners of Nanyang University

Nanyang Chinese medicine health care teacher is the key specialty of Nanyang Chinese medicine biological physiotherapy training school. Nanyang Chinese medicine biological physiotherapy training school has a strong faculty, and the school welcomes you to join.

Rhinitis patients: the nasal mucus is increased and thick, and will be relieved after a few days.

  Ovarian care stimulates female hormones, regulates qi and blood, eliminates dysmenorrhea, improves skin texture, postpones menopause, improves sexual function, and delays aging

The bioelectric meridian physiotherapy is a simple, convenient and convenient method to regulate the meridians and acupoints, so as to maintain the balance and harmony of the functions of various viscera in the human body, make the qi and blood unblocked, and unite the body and mind, thus improving our combat effectiveness against foreign diseases.

  The body control meridian bioelectricity therapy of traditional Chinese medicine takes the meridians as the conductor to supplement the bioelectricity and open the blocked meridians by the potential difference between the external biological current and the guests.

Where is the Nanyang TCM health care professional? Where is the Nanyang TCM health care professional? Where is the Nanyang TCM health care professional

Teaching mode: the decomposition integrated process teaching method is to integrate theory and practice, make full use of various teaching resources, effectively solve the problem of disconnection between theoretical teaching and practical teaching, enhance the intuition of teaching, give full play to the enthusiasm of students, and contribute to the training of highly skilled talents.

Is body control bioelectrotherapy harmful to human body?

Why can electrotherapy eliminate fatigue? In the process of electrotherapy, it can increase the number of ENDORPHIN, with excitement and pleasure, and eliminate fatigue.

DDS bioelectricity energy meter can only be operated after strict training. In order to use this product correctly and safely, please proceed in the following order:

These meridians run through from left to right, ensuring the balance of physiological activities. The internal call and external response of these meridians form the collateral relationship between the meridians and the five zang and six fu organs. These meridians can not only reflect the pathology of the zang and fu organs, but also eliminate the focus through the action of these meridians on the zang and fu organs.

Where is the health care specialist of Nanyang University

  The traditional physical therapy methods such as acupuncture, acupoint tapping, fire therapy, scraping, cupping, massage and chiropractic are replaced by the traditional physical therapy methods of traditional Chinese medicine body control meridian bioelectrical therapy, which is more comfortable, more obvious, more advanced, more scientific, and more acceptable to guests. Acupuncture is a bit of acupuncture, and body control bioelectrical therapy is a way of health preservation.

DDS bioelectricity therapy is based on the principle of traditional Chinese medicine meridians and physiology, creatively combines ancient Chinese medicine with modern western medicine reflexology and bioelectricity technology, regulates the electrical energy output by the special "bioelectricity therapy instrument" through the human body, and uses appropriate electricity and various techniques according to the direction of the human meridians and the location of the disease, Stimulate the meridians with electric energy, so that the electric energy can be transmitted rapidly, and the damaged and atrophied meridians of the human body can be opened instantly, so that the human body's qi and blood can be unblocked, and the body's immune function can be enhanced, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment.

Mild acidic constitution: feel general fatigue, limb weakness, lethargy, joint pain, heat, dizziness, dizziness, and mouth irritation.

It is a kind of "happiness therapy" without any pain. In the process of implementing this therapy, the patient will not only have the pain of injection and medication, but also enjoy the wonderful pleasure of relaxing and comfortable massage when receiving physical therapy.

The distribution law of the body surface of the twelve meridians

They are symmetrically distributed on the head, trunk and limbs, and run through the whole body. Six Yin meridians are distributed on the inner side and chest abdomen of the limbs, and six Yang meridians are distributed on the outer side of the limbs and on the head and trunk; The internal organs belong to the zang fu organs, and the external collaterals lie in the four limbs. The zang fu organs have the same relationship with the external organs, and the yin meridians and yang meridians have the relationship between the external and internal meridians and the external and internal meridians. That is, the lung meridian of the hand Taiyin and the large intestine meridian of the hand Yangming are in the exterior, the stomach meridian of the foot Yangming and the spleen meridian of the foot Taiyin are in the exterior, and so on; The Yin meridian and the Yang meridian, which are mutually exterior and interior, have a collateral relationship in the body, that is, the Yin meridian belongs to the visceral collateral organs, and the Yang meridian belongs to the visceral collateral organs, such as the lung meridian of the hand Taiyin belongs to the lung collateral large intestine, and the large intestine meridian of the hand Yangming belongs to the lung collateral large intestine, and so on.

Where is the health care specialist of Nanyang University

The meridians of the human body play a role in determining life and death and dealing with all kinds of diseases, that is to say, all diseases of the human body can be recovered by regulating the meridians.

Nanyang Biological Physiotherapy Training School of Traditional Chinese Medicine makes your dream of high salary come true. To learn Chinese medicine health care professionals, you should come to Nanyang Biological Physiotherapy Training School of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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