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Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training Center

Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training School | Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training

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Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Exam Training Camp Training Center was founded in 2006 and officially operated in 2007. In just four years, it has become an education group for college students by virtue of surpassing the traditional revolutionary education model. It has become China's leading educational institution in terms of postgraduate entrance examination, civil service recruitment examination, career development and other major training programs.
With the landmark innovation, Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training Center has broken through the inherent law of limiting the quality of education, helped learners to improve various important abilities at a high speed and by a large margin with revolutionary advanced models, broke many historical records, and created an unprecedented development legend in China's education industry. At present, it is in 28 provinces, autonomous regions The municipality directly under the Central Government has set up direct branches, reaching more than 300 large and medium-sized cities, more than 2000 teaching centers, and education and training channels covering nearly 1000 colleges and universities across the country.
Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training Center is full of enthusiasm for education, selfless fighting passion and innovative spirit. It is rich in mature management mechanisms and scientific and excellent management methods, relying on leading educational research far beyond conventional efficiency and high-quality product service technology that breaks through many bottlenecks in traditional education The national market share and channel pattern, as well as the outstanding leading position in the industry and the broad market prospect of rapid development to other education fields in the future, have been favored and supported by domestic and foreign capital institutions. In February 2008, Sequoia Capital, a world-famous venture capital fund (investors of famous enterprises such as Google, Apple Computer, Oracle, Yahoo, etc.) Jointly invest in Wanxue with Lenovo Group Investment Co., Ltd [ Detailed introduction ]
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Nanjing Yuhuatai District Graduate Entrance Examination Training Camp Training Center

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