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Hefei Business English Speaking Training School

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Course name: Recommended Business English Training Class in Hefei in 2024
Brand: Oral Business English Training
Course tuition: telecommunication
Class time: Learn on arrival
Expiry date: Long term effective
Last updated: 2024-09-25
Browse registration: 490 people
Consulting telephone: (Call free)
Instant messaging: Click to talk  
Detailed Introduction to Recommended Business English Training Class in Hefei in 2024

Course title: Recommended 2019 Hefei Business English Oral Training Class

Hefei Oral Business English is a key specialty of Hefei Oral Business English Training School. Hefei is a well-known oral business English training institution, a well-known brand of education and training. Hefei Oral Business English Training School has a strong faculty, and branches are set up in major cities across the country. Welcome to join the school.

1. A professional team of teachers who master cutting-edge teaching methods 2. Have rich teaching experience and are good at stimulating students' potential 3. Be good at driving students into situational experiential classroom

 Recommended 2019 Hefei Business English Speaking Training Class

Hefei Business English Speaking Training School is located in Yaohai District, Luyang District, Shushan District, Baohe District, Chaohu City, Changfeng County, Feidong County, Feixi County, Lujiang County, etc. It is an influential business English speaking training institution in Hefei.

When setting questions, the drafter will make a big deal on the collocation problem, take full account of the possible mistakes of candidates, and set confusion options. Some options seem to fit the context, and the grammar is correct, but the collocation is improper and unreasonable. This collocation includes subject predicate collocation, verb object collocation, adjective and modified noun collocation, adverb and modified verb collocation, prepositional phrase collocation, verb phrase collocation, fixed phrase collocation, etc.

Where is the book? Few people say What is a book? American schoolchildren began to ask: What is the book? This kind of Where is the book is just the description stage of thinking. But I think even college students can hardly answer What is a book? Because the traditional English teaching model in China does not teach students the skills to express their thoughts.

Cordelia imitated his guttural tones .

1、 How long will I have to wait?

67. No one knows . Nobody knows.

Path of development

76. Time is money. Time is money.

(3) Bygate, Sketan and Swain (2001), from the perspective of students' autonomous learning, believe that a task is an activity that is affected by learners' choices and can change according to learners' own understanding. This activity requires learners to use language meaningfully in order to achieve a certain goal.

However, these emails are actually created and sent by attackers;

280. Jean is a blue-eyed girl. Jane is a girl with blue eyes.

177. What's your trouble? What's wrong with you?

Everyone knows that come across means to run into; to find unexpectedly。

We promised to offer exciting products .

Typically, the company launches its products at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco, which holds 757 attendees.

But the discussion is bilateral, and every candidate should actively participate in it, so as not to embarrass the discussion.

Hefei Business English Oral Training School will make your dream come true. Hefei Oral Business English Training School

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Hefei Business English Speaking Training School

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