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Changzhi New Zealand Study Agency

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Course name: Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency
Brand: Study abroad training in New Zealand
Course tuition: telecommunication
Class time: Learn on arrival
Expiry date: Long term effective
Last updated: 2024-07-02 10:45
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Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency

Course title: Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency

Changzhi New Zealand study abroad agency is a key project of Changzhi New Zealand study abroad agency. Changzhi is a well-known study abroad training institution in New Zealand, a well-known brand of education and training, and Changzhi New Zealand study abroad agency has a strong faculty. The school welcomes you to join.

 Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency

Changzhi New Zealand study abroad agencies are distributed in the urban and suburban areas of Changzhi City, Lucheng City, Changzhi County, Xiangyuan County, Tunliu County, Pingshun County, Licheng County, Huguan County, Changzi County, Wuxiang County, Qinxian County, Qinyuan County and other places. They are influential study abroad training institutions in New Zealand in Changzhi City.

At present, Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency has six overseas branches in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many direct sales branches in Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Hefei, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Jinan, etc., forming a complete brand layout and system, helping many students and customers to realize their dream of going abroad.

Study in New Zealand:

1、 Apply for a visa. After receiving the admission notice from the school, you can submit an application for a study visa to the New Zealand Embassy. The Embassy requires to provide the following information:

(1) Completed student visa application form, passport photo and supplementary form for Chinese citizens to visit, study and work in New Zealand.

(2) Valid passport or birth certificate (notarized and attached with English translation).

(3) Application fee.

(4) Birth notarization (with English translation).

(5) Proof that sufficient funds are available to cover the tuition and living expenses of students during their stay in New Zealand. Such as the deposit certificate issued by the bank, or the student fund guarantee form.

(6) Kinship notarization (with English translation), including the names and birth dates of all immediate relatives.

(7) Applicants who have applied for residence for more than 24 months shall provide their notarization of no criminal offence (valid for 6 months).

(8) Applicants who have stayed in New Zealand for more than 24 months should provide medical certificates and X-ray films of their health within three months from the date of application. (The medical certificate issued by the hospital designated by the New Zealand Immigration Bureau is valid).

(9) The admission notice of New Zealand colleges and universities, including the name of the major, the time required to complete the major, tuition fees and estimated residence time in New Zealand.

(10) A diploma or a letter from the applicant's current institution certifying the applicant's educational background or degree of study.

(11) Accommodation guarantee provided by the admission institution or other individuals or organizations to the applicant.

(12) The fund certificate can be scholarship or deposit, which is sufficient to maintain the living expenses of the applicant during his stay in New Zealand.

2、 Pay tuition fees. After the student visa is approved in principle, pay the tuition fees, go through various payment procedures, purchase insurance, obtain the required payment materials, and submit the following materials to the New Zealand Embassy:

(1) Proof of payment provided by the admission institution.

(2) Students who have completed less than 36 weeks of courses need to provide proof that the funds provided by the Bank of New Zealand have been deposited (the living cost funds during their stay in New Zealand) or that the accommodation fees provided by the admission institution have been prepaid.

(3) Students who have taken courses of 36 weeks or more are required to provide: the student has a NZ $10000 certificate available every year.

(4) Medical insurance is not required for students who have studied for less than two years, but students are strongly recommended to have medical insurance because they cannot enjoy health benefits.

Before the New Deal, students need to prepare about 500000 yuan, and there is a deposit period requirement. It can be said that the New Deal has opened a door for students to study in Australia in a certain sense. And the tuition deposit paid in advance by students can be paid out of the 300000 yuan, which undoubtedly greatly reduces the burden on parents. The conditions for studying in Australia depend on the school and major you are applying for. The requirements for applying for different majors in different schools are different, and the corresponding requirements for IELTS scores are also different. You can use the study abroad volunteer reference system to check the application requirements of the target university according to the target university, so that you can know the application conditions.

The four main reasons why many people choose to study in Australia are: energetic and diversified lifestyle. Australia is a diversified society. Australians have great enthusiasm for sports, food and entertainment. In Australian schools, you can also see people from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs. If you want to experience a prosperous metropolis, you can choose a larger city, such as Sydney and Melbourne, where the lifestyle is relatively modern, ranging from modern art galleries to coffee shops; If you want to experience a quiet lifestyle, you can choose cities like Adelaide and Perth, which are relatively quiet and more suitable for learning. Far from war and epidemic situation: Australia is surrounded by the sea and far from the mainland. Its unique geographical location keeps Australia away from global wars and infectious diseases. In history, there was almost no large-scale war in Australia. Even in the two world wars, Australia suffered much less attack and damage than traditional Eurasian countries. 3、 Inclusive social environment

Chinese generally rank above the middle level: at present, Chinese are the largest Asian in Australia, accounting for 2% - 3% of the total population of Australia. Australia has very close economic and trade ties with China. In recent years, China is one of the largest buyers of Australian minerals. Therefore, Australian society has a very positive attitude towards Chinese, and they welcome Chinese to integrate into local society. In recent years, many Chinese have participated in local elections and held important positions in many Australian government departments. Chinese lawyers, accountants, doctors, architects, engineers, teachers, civil servants and entrepreneurs are everywhere. The immigration policy is loose and the standard is clear: Australia is a typical immigration country, and the immigration policy is relatively loose. Generally speaking, there are two ways to immigrate to Australia: skilled migration and investment migration. Skilled immigrants in Australia adopt a scoring system, and the scoring range includes age, English, Australian education, Australian or overseas work experience, study in remote areas, guarantee of relatives in remote areas or state government guarantee, nomination of state government, etc. Far from war and epidemic situation: Australia is surrounded by the sea and far from the mainland. Its unique geographical location keeps Australia away from global wars and infectious diseases. In history, there was almost no large-scale war in Australia. Even in the two world wars, Australia suffered much less attack and damage than traditional Eurasian countries. There are many advantages to studying in New Zealand. For example, the classification of Australian universities: the star ranking of Australian universities is a way of ranking Australian universities. There are five stars in total. The higher the number of stars, the better. 1. The star ranking of Australian public universities is an unofficial and informal ranking, which is recommended for reference only. 2. The star ranking of Australian universities is not just one item, but many items: for example, university history, teaching quality, starting salary for employment, and even the diversity of school culture are all star rated. The economy is developed and the living standard is high: Australia's national living standard is very high. In 2008, its GDP reached US $800.5 billion, and its per capita GDP reached US $38100, ranking among the top 30 in the world, higher than that of the UK. 3、 Inclusive social environment

Chinese generally rank above the middle level: at present, Chinese are the largest Asian in Australia, accounting for 2% - 3% of the total population of Australia. Australia has very close economic and trade ties with China. In recent years, China is one of the largest buyers of Australian minerals. Therefore, Australian society has a very positive attitude towards Chinese, and they welcome Chinese to integrate into local society. In recent years, many Chinese have participated in local elections and held important positions in many Australian government departments. Chinese lawyers, accountants, doctors, architects, engineers, teachers, civil servants and entrepreneurs are everywhere. The immigration policy is loose and the standard is clear: Australia is a typical immigration country, and the immigration policy is relatively loose. Generally speaking, there are two ways to immigrate to Australia: skilled migration and investment migration. Skilled immigrants in Australia adopt a scoring system, and the scoring range includes age, English, Australian education, Australian or overseas work experience, study in remote areas, guarantee of relatives in remote areas or state government guarantee, nomination of state government, etc. As long as the documents are complete, the student visa can be obtained in four weeks. Generally, the student visa period will be one month longer than the required semester limit, so that students can easily extend the visa for future courses after the end of the course, or visit friends or travel in New Zealand. 5. Compared with other countries, the procedures for applying for a New Zealand visa are very simple. New Zealand's biggest advantage is that it has superior education quality, relatively relaxed conditions compared with European, American and Australian immigrants, and good welfare after immigration.

Advantages of studying abroad:

1. English speaking countries, pure English teaching

2. It is a developed country and one of the most livable countries in the world

3. High level of education and world-famous universities

4. High welfare country, low life pressure

5. Immigration country, two-way choice of returning to China after completing their studies

2、 Superior education system

The education system is only second to the United States and Britain, ranking third in the world. Australia is recognized globally as one of the countries with the most advanced and innovative education and training system in the world. Australia has been cultivating international students for more than 60 years. At present, there are more than 500000 international students from more than 200 countries in the world studying in Australia. Australian institutions are world-renowned for their excellent teaching and research quality. Australia ranks second among 191 countries and regions in the United Nations Human Development Index and Education Index. Although the overall scale of Australian universities is not huge, their performance in the global academic rankings of universities is extremely outstanding. According to the 2010 QS World University Rankings, 13% of Australian universities are among the top 50 universities in the world, and 67% are among the top 500 universities in the world. Compared with many developed countries with more population than Australia, Australia is better at the overall quality and performance of universities. 4. Reasonable tuition and good value for money 1 A safe country with political stability and low crime rate

living expenses

The Australian Immigration Service stipulates that the living expenses shall not be less than 18000 Australian dollars per year. In large cities like Sydney and Melbourne, 18000 Australian dollars per year is also enough (without extravagance and waste). Brisbane and Perth need about 17000 Australian dollars per year. Adelaide is cheaper, and 16000 Australian dollars per year is enough. The cost mentioned here is only the cost of living in Australia, not including round-trip air tickets. 1、 Improve the education system. Australia has many educational resources, and there are many well-known universities to choose when studying in Australia. Australia has a complete education system. There are nearly 40 universities and more than 300 technical colleges in the country, such as the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne. The quality of education is world-famous, and it is one of the countries with the highest education level in the world. University graduates are being recruited by various enterprises and institutions in the world. Australian universities not only have an attractive and challenging academic environment, but also provide a wide range of high-quality courses for students to choose from.

Changzhi New Zealand Study Abroad Agency makes your dream of studying abroad come true. New Zealand Students Come to Changzhi New Zealand Student Agency

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