Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.

Years of Typecho precipitation, now, respond to your waiting

Download GitHub

Lightweight and efficient

With only 7 data tables and less than 400KB of code, a complete plug-in and template mechanism is implemented. The ultra-low CPU and memory utilization is enough to give full play to the highest performance of the host.

Advanced and stable

Native support Markdown typesetting syntax, easy to read and write. It supports BAE/GAE/SAE and other types of virtual machines, and can easily cope with sudden high traffic.

Concise and friendly

The carefully polished operation interface is still your familiar face, more mature and intimate. The clipping of each pixel is only for further perfection.

Just three steps to build your website

Choose a reliable host provider who can provide support services for the installation program
Download the appropriate version of the program and install it. The program can run in less than one song
Read the usage document, build it into a unique website, and wait for friends' "Wow! Cool!"

Common choice of 500000 users

Typecho is full of her simple character, which attracts you like a slim beauty.

Front end development engineer

In pursuit of perfect user experience and information accessibility, Typecho will do better in popularizing and promoting the concept and awareness of Web accessibility.

Yang Yongquan
Internet information accessibility promoter

Just like Typecho's original intention and what we are doing, let's express our platform by typing. We don't do much, but it's good enough. That's enough.

School students, blog enthusiasts