Guangzhou Tianwei Trade Co., Ltd Main products: recorder, regulator, pressure sensor, pressure switch, pressure gauge, thermocouple, thermal resistance, flowmeter, radiation sensor, portable test type, moisture meter, balance, labeling machine, carbon tape, dust particle counter, strain gauge, emergency tester, portable trace oxygen analyzer, electrostatic test analyzer, gas analyzer, gas flowmeter Motor, acceleration sensor, displacement sensor, portable dissolved oxygen meter, conductivity Rate meter, temperature and humidity probe, temperature and humidity recorder, defoamer, centrifuge, coating machine, coating machine, pressure gas analyzer and other instruments; Chemical and chemical standard stock solution and analytical reagent; Standard signal generator, constant temperature oil bath, constant temperature water bath, constant temperature and humidity test chamber; Industrial filter, filter disc, connector
Service telephone
eighteen billion one hundred and forty-eight million six hundred and two thousand and eighty-four
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Tel: 18148602084 (WeChat) Email:   Address: Room 203, No. 483, Qingnian Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou   QQ:1557719813

Yue ICP Bei No. 09026132