Describe common instrument ribbon types
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Describe common instrument ribbon types

Introduce common Instrument ribbon type

Instrument color band refers to the color of scale lines on equipment and instruments used to display process parameters such as temperature, speed, pressure, liquid level, etc. Common types of instrument ribbons include linear ribbons, nonlinear ribbons, simple linear ribbons and nonlinear complex ribbons.

Linear color band refers to the color band with graduations of the scale line color, which is generally used to display the continuously changing parameters such as temperature. For example, the common linear color band on the thermometer is the color that changes from low temperature to high temperature, which makes people see the current temperature at a glance.

Nonlinear color band refers to the color band whose scale line color does not change according to the linear rule, and is generally used to display the parameters of nonlinear change. For example, the non-linear color band on the pressure gauge can use different colors according to different pressure ranges, to help users understand the current pressure more intuitively.

Simple linear color band is a special type of linear color band. It divides the whole range into several simple linear intervals and gives each interval a different color to quickly judge the range of parameter values. For example, the simple linear color band on the liquid level gauge usually divides the entire liquid level range into low, low, normal, high and high sections, and assigns different colors to each section.

The non-linear complex color band refers to the color band of the scale line that changes according to the non-linear law, and the change law is more complex. This color band is generally used to display complex parameters or instruments with special requirements, such as flowmeter, power meter, etc.

In general, there are various types of instrument color bands, and different types are applicable to different requirements for instrument and parameter display. Through reasonable selection and design of color band, the parameter display of the instrument can be more intuitive and accurate, which is convenient for users to observe and judge.
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