PPT layout design principle: repeatability (free PPT template attached)

Li Yida 2024-2-29 PPT Tutorial zero like (8)

I shared three principles of PPT typesetting: contrast, intimacy and alignment. Today there is one final principle - repeatability.

In fact, despite the design and layout, repetition can also reduce the workload of migrant workers. From this perspective, repetition cannot be absent.

The principle of repeatability mainly refers to enhancing the sense of unity and consistency by reusing the same elements and styles throughout the design.

So, what are the duplications?

1. Repetition of visual elements: This includes the reuse of colors, shapes, lines, patterns and other elements. For example, if the title of a page uses a certain color, other titles can also use the same color to enhance visual coherence.

2. Repetition of spatial relationship: This refers to the relative position of elements in the layout, such as alignment, spacing, etc. By maintaining the consistency of these spatial relationships, you can enhance the overall sense of layout structure.

3. Repetition of fonts: In the same design, the same font or font can be used to maintain the consistency of the text. This helps readers identify and understand information, and also enhances the professionalism of design.

4. Repetition of graphics and images: Repeated use of the same graphics or images in multiple pages or design elements can help viewers quickly identify and remember brands or themes.

5. Repetition of style: By reusing the same style elements, such as decorative lines and background textures, the uniqueness and personalization of the design can be enhanced.

In addition, appropriate repetition can also help establish visual rhythm and structure, and make the content organization more clear and orderly. For example, the most common one is that four rectangular squares are side by side, and each square contains one aspect of content.

In addition, although the repeatability principle emphasizes consistency, it can also be used in combination with other design principles (such as contrast principle) to highlight key information or elements in the layout.

So, Although these four principles are discussed separately, they are all related To compare, it is necessary to highlight the "otherness" in a multitude of repetitions; To repeat, it is possible to maintain consistency in spatial intimacy, and it is likely to be aligned. To align, it may be necessary to maintain the closeness of some spatial relationship. To be intimate, there may be some kind of repetition... and so on.

PPT, especially in the workplace, is more about sorting out and transmitting information than designing pictures, so don't go astray~

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